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A new flora from the Rio Bonito Formation (late Asselian) and its implications for the biostratigraphy of the southern Paraná Basin, Brazil
Journal of South American Earth Sciences ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2022.104010
M. Rischbieter , R. Neregato , R. Iannuzzi , M.M. di Pasquo , R. Alvarenga , J. Freitas

The results of this contribution represent the first attempt regarding palynological and paleobotanical records from the municipality of Alfredo Wagner, Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. The fossils were recovered in the top of the Siderópolis Member, upper portion of the Rio Bonito Formation, Paraná Basin. The palynological assemblage revealed a well-preserved assemblage composed of 28 spores and 24 pollen, mainly dominated by ferns and gymnosperms, correlated with the Vittatina costabilis Zone. Eight taxa are first records for this unit (Granulatisporites varigranifer, Punctatisporites subvaricosus, Gondisporites serrulatus, Didecitriletes sp, Vitreisporites signatus, Alisporites ovatus, Pteruchipollenites indarraensis and Cycadopites cymbatus), and three of them for the basin (P. subvaricosus, Didecitriletes sp. and C. cymbatus). The paleobotanical assemblage is mainly represented by Glossopteris (seven species), ferns (Pecopteris and Sphenopteris) and seeds (Cornucarpus, Cordaicarpus and Samaropsis), corresponding to the Gondwanan “Glossopteris Flora”. Although Cheirophyllum and Cornucarpus would be typical and restricted to the underlying Phyllotheca-Gangamopteris Flora, their presence allows us to correlate the floristic deposits with the basal part of the Glossopteris-Brasilodendron Flora range. In addition, U–Pb zircon CA-TIMS datings obtained in nearby correlated sections allows the macro- and microfloras to be constrained to the latest Asselian age.


来自 Rio Bonito 组(晚 Asselian)的新植物群及其对巴西巴拉那盆地南部生物地层学的影响

这项贡献的结果代表了巴西南部圣卡塔琳娜州阿尔弗雷多瓦格纳市关于孢粉学和古植物学记录的首次尝试。这些化石是在巴拉那盆地 Rio Bonito 组上部的 Siderópolis 段顶部发现的。孢粉组合揭示了一个保存完好的组合,由 28 个孢子和 24 个花粉组成,主要以蕨类植物和裸子植物为主,与Vittatina costabilis区相关。八个分类群是该单元的首次记录(Granulatisporites varigranifer、Punctatisporites subvaricosus、Gondisporites serrulatus、Didecitriletes sp、Vitreisporites signatus、Alisporites ovatus、Pteruchipollenites indarraensisCycadopites cymbatus),其中三个为盆地(P. subvaricosusDidecitriletes sp. 和C. cymbatus)。古植物群落主要以舌蕨属(七种)、蕨类植物(PecopterisSphenopteris)和种子(Cornucarpus、CordaicarpusSamaropsis)为代表,对应于冈瓦南的“舌蕨属植物群”。虽然CheirophyllumCornucarpus是典型的并且仅限于潜在的Phyllotheca - Gangamopteris植物区系,它们的存在使我们能够将植物区系沉积物与Glossopteris - Brasilodendron Flora 系列的基础部分联系起来。此外,在附近相关剖面中获得的 U-Pb 锆石 CA-TIMS 测年允许将宏观和微生物区系限制在最新的 Asselian 时代。
