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Parmenides, the Founder of Abstract Geometry: Enriques Interpreter of the Eleatic Thought
Foundations of Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10699-022-09854-0
Paolo Bussotti

The interpretation of Parmenides’ Περί Φύσεως is a fascinating topic to which philosophers, historians of philosophy and scientists have dedicated many studies along the history of Western thought. The aim of this paper is to present the reading of Parmenides’s work offered by Federigo Enriques. It is based on several original theses: (1) Parmenides was the discoverer of abstract geometry; (2) his critics was addressed against the Pythagoreans rather than against Heraclitus; (3) Parmenides discovered and applied the contradiction and the third excluded principles in the context of his research on foundation of geometry; (4) Parmenides’s metaphysical and physical conceptions have their bases in his speculation on geometry; (5) Parmenides used the principle of sufficient reason. Enriques’s reading is worth being expounded and discussed within the historical, philosophical and scientific context in which it is inserted. Since Enriques’s ideas are not widely known and discussed, my research has the purpose to fill this gap. The article also aims to provide elements to illustrate the discussion on Parmenides in the first half of the last century.


抽象几何的创始人巴门尼德:Eleatic 思想的解释者 Enriques

对巴门尼德的Περί Φύσεως 的解释是一个引人入胜的话题,哲学家、哲学史家和科学家在西方思想史上进行了许多研究。本文的目的是介绍对 Federigo Enriques 提供的巴门尼德著作的解读。它基于几个原始论点:(1)巴门尼德是抽象几何的发现者;(2) 他的批评者是针对毕达哥拉斯学派而不是针对赫拉克利特;(3) 巴门尼德在几何基础研究中发现并应用了矛盾原理和第三排除原理;(4) 巴门尼德的形而上学和物理概念有其对几何学的思考;(5) 巴门尼德使用了充分理由原则。恩里克的阅读值得在其所处的历史、哲学和科学语境中加以阐释和讨论。由于恩里克的想法并未广为人知和讨论,我的研究旨在填补这一空白。这篇文章还旨在提供一些元素来说明上个世纪上半叶关于巴门尼德的讨论。
