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Functional Ecology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-01 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14162

Bota-Sierra, C. A., García-Robledo, C., Escobar, C., Novelo-Gutiérrez, R., & Londoño, G. A. (2022). Environment, taxonomy and morphology constrain insect thermal physiology along tropical mountains. Functional Ecology, 36, 1924–1935. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14083

In the paper by Bota-Sierra et al. (2022), the colour bars to indicate dragonflies or damselflies were missing in Figure 2 in the published version.

The correct figure is reproduced here.

Details are in the caption following the image
Open in figure viewerPowerPoint
Elevation distributions for the 54 species included in this study divided by habitat. Taxonomic suborders are differentiated by colour bars. Forest species: a, E. cannacrioides; b, H. caja; c, A. fulgida; d, A. talamanca; e, T. blasi; f, H. mitratum; g, N. batesi; h, A. oculata; i, E. pechumani; j, T. croizati; k, P. mar tae; l, B. rapax; m, L. herculea; n, H. capitalis; o, M. aurea; p, M. sypriona; q, H. aurora; r, H. aequatoriale; s, P. brucelli; t, P. melanocauda; u, H. tatama; v, A. fernandoi; w, C. klenei; x, P. gigantea; y, C. inca; z, H. superbum; aa, O. oreas. Open area species: a, E. andagoya; b, E. plebeja; c, M. pseudimitans; d, M. ocellata; e, O. sulphurata; f, U. imbuta; g, A. trilobatum; h, A. pulla; i, A. translata; j, D. nigra; k, D. sterilis; l, M. musiva; m, A. jocosa; n, H. occisa; o, E. fusca; p, O. discolor; q, P. mooma; r, A. indicatrix; s, I. ramburii; t, B. vivax; u, P. flavescens; v, C. vibex, w, H. cruentata, x, A. variegata; y, M. hahneli; z, E. abjecta; aa, A. medullaris

The publishers apologise for the error.



Bota-Sierra, CA, García-Robledo, C., Escobar, C., Novelo-Gutiérrez, R., & Londoño, GA (2022)。环境、分类学和形态学限制了热带山区昆虫的热生理。功能生态学,36,1924-1935。https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14083

在 Bota-Sierra 等人的论文中。(2022 年),已发布版本的图 2 中缺少指示蜻蜓或豆娘的彩条。


图 2
本研究中包括的 54 个物种的海拔分布除以栖息地。分类亚目由颜色条区分。森林物种:a、E. cannacrioides;b,H.卡哈;c, A. fulgida ; d,A. 塔拉曼卡;e, T. blasi ; f, H. mitratum ; g, N. batesi ; h,A. ocu lata;一世,E. pechumani;j, T. croizati ; k, P. mar tae ; l, B. rapax ; 米,L. 大力神;n, H. 大写; o,。金黄色葡萄球菌;p, M. sypriona ; q,H. aurora; r, H. aquatoriale ; s,布鲁氏菌;t, P. melanocauda ; u, H. tatama ; v,A.费尔南多伊;w, C. klenei ; x, P. gigantea ; y,C.印加;z , H. 啊,O.oreas。开阔地种:a、E. andagoya;b, E. plebeja ; c,假分枝杆菌;d, M. ocellata ; e,O. sulphurata;f,U. imbuta;g,三叶曲霉;h, A. 拉; 一世,A. 翻译;j, D. nigra; k, D. sterilis ; l, M. musiva ; 米,A. jocosa;n, H. occisa ; o, E. fusca ; p, O. 变色;q, P. mooma ; r, A. 指标; s, I. ramburii ; t, B. vivax ; u,苦参;v,C. vibex,w,H. cruentata,x,A. variegata;y,M.哈内利;z, E. abjecta ; aa, A. 髓质

