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Rehabilitative progress in prison: Some challenges and possibilities
Aggression and Violent Behavior ( IF 4.874 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2022.101783
Andrew Day , Michael Daffern , Yilma Woldgabreal , Nina Currie-Powell

The reduction of dynamic risk is typically considered the key mechanism by which rehabilitation of people in prison occurs. However, there is insufficient evidence to confidently assert that change in dynamic risk over the course of a custodial sentence is reliably associated with reduced re-offending post-release. This narrative review identifies the need to develop new approaches to conceptualizing rehabilitative progress, proposing three proximal indicators of change that have the potential to be measured in prison settings. The arguments are conceptual and require empirical validation if reliable methods of assessing change across the course of a sentence are to be implemented. Nonetheless the assessment of rehabilitative change is identified as a key concern for correctional administrations around the world if they are to demonstrate the rehabilitative impact of their services and programs and optimize release decision-making and reintegration planning.



