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Cingulata (Mammalia, Xenarthra) from the type fauna of the “Friasian” South American Land-Mammal age, Alto Río Cisnes (Río Frías Formation, Burdigalian-Langhian Age, Miocene), Chile
Journal of South American Earth Sciences ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2022.104007
Laureano R. González Ruiz

Cingulates (“armadillos and glyptodonts”), is a group of xenarthran mammals characterized mainly by the presence of an armor of articulated osteoderms which are usually used for systematic recognition, and which are found in most fossiliferous localities of South, Central and southern North America since the Eocene. The aim of this contribution is to describe the cingulates (“armadillos and glyptodonts”) from Roth's collection that have been previously mentioned, which have been remain unpublished for more than 100 years, and are part of the collection that was used for the recognition of the formerly “Etage Friaséen” of the Miocene of South America. The cingulate osteoderms described herein are assigned to 1) Vetelia puncta (MLP 16–171, MLP 16–172, MLP 16–174) given the osteoderms's foramina in the sulcus that delimits the longitudinal central figure, and at the lateral margins of the osteoderm; 2) Proeutatus cf. deleo (MLP 16–171, MLP 16–172, MLP 16–174) given that the osteoderms have no evident keel, and no foramina on the exposed surface; and 3) Eucinepeltus cf. petesatus (MLP 16–171, MLP 16–172, MLP 16–173) given that the osteoderms of the cephalic shield have no figures on the exposed surface. After the revision of the Roth collection and the literature, the association of cingulates from all fossil localities and fossil levels of Río Cisnes Formation at Alto Río Cisnes (Chile) includes the armadillos Peltephilidae (a potential new taxon), Stegotherium caroloameghinoi, Prozaedyus sp., Vetelia puncta, Proeutatus cf. deleo, Proeutatus sp., and the glyptodonts Propalaehoplophorinae gen. et sp. indet., and Eucinepeltus cf. petesatus.


Cingulata(哺乳动物,Xenarthra)来自智利 Alto Río Cisnes(Río Frías 组,Burdigalian-Langhian 时代,中新世)“弗里西亚”南美陆地哺乳动物时代的典型动物群

Cingulates(“犰狳和雕齿兽”)是一组异齿目哺乳动物,其主要特征是存在铰接骨皮的盔甲,通常用于系统识别,在北美南部、中部和南部的大多数化石地区都有发现自始新世以来。这篇文章的目的是描述之前提到过的 Roth 收藏中的扣带回(“犰狳和雕齿兽”),它们已经有 100 多年未发表,并且是用于识别南美洲中新世以前的“Etage Friaséen” 。本文所述的扣带回骨皮被分配给 1) Vetelia puncta(MLP 16-171、MLP 16-172、MLP 16-174)在限定纵向中心图形的沟中和骨皮的侧缘处有骨孔;2)Proeutatus cf。deleo (MLP 16-171, MLP 16-172, MLP 16-174),因为骨皮没有明显的龙骨,暴露的表面也没有孔;和 3) Eucinepeltus cf。petesatus (MLP 16–171, MLP 16–172, MLP 16–173),因为头盾的骨皮在暴露的表面上没有任何图形。在对 Roth 收藏和文献进行修订后,来自 Alto Río Cisnes(智利)所有化石地点和 Río Cisnes 组化石水平的扣带回的关联包括犰狳 Peltephilidae(一种潜在的新分类群),Stegotherium caroloameghinoi , Prozaedyus sp., Vetelia puncta , Proeutatus cf. deleoProeutatus sp. 和雕齿动物 Propalaehoplophorinae gen。等人。indet. 和Eucinepeltus cf。彼得萨图斯_
