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Strategic Injustice and the 1984–85 Miners’ Strike in Scotland
Industrial Law Journal ( IF 1.025 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-27 , DOI: 10.1093/indlaw/dwac017
Jim Phillips 1

Justice was sorely experienced by Scottish miners in the strike against pit closures and redundancies in 1984–85. In Scotland strikers were arrested by police officers at twice the rate of those in England and Wales and were three times more likely to be dismissed from employment by the National Coal Board. Analysis uses Gramsci as guide: Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government was engaged in an anti-trade union war of position as well as a war of manoeuvre. In Scotland, despite the strike’s legality, police officers and NCB officials outmanoeuvred the strikers by criminalising and victimising their local leaders. Arrests and relatively innocuous public-order convictions were followed by punitive sackings which reinforced the government’s positional untruths about the strike. This targeted action was strategic: to defeat the strike; and weaken opposition to the closure of some collieries while intensifying production at others. The subsequent acceleration of deindustrialisation was a further injustice. In contributing to further political divergence within the UK, however, it provided a route to restorative justice for former strikers and their supporters in Scotland. In 2022 the Scottish Parliament provided a collective and posthumous pardon for more than 500 people with strike-related convictions in Scottish courts.


战略不公与 1984-85 年苏格兰矿工罢工

苏格兰矿工在 1984-85 年反对矿井关闭和裁员的罢工中经历了严重的正义。在苏格兰,罢工者被警察逮捕的比率是英格兰和威尔士的两倍,被国家煤炭委员会解雇的可能性是其三倍。分析以葛兰西为指导:玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)的保守党政府正在进行一场反工会的阵地战和机动战。在苏格兰,尽管罢工是合法的,但警察和 NCB 官员通过将当地领导人定为犯罪和伤害他们的方式,以巧妙的方式战胜了罢工者。逮捕和相对无害的公共秩序定罪之后是惩罚性解雇,这强化了政府对罢工的立场不实。这种有针对性的行动是战略性的:击败罢工;并削弱对关闭一些煤矿的反对意见,同时加强另一些煤矿的生产。随后加速去工业化是进一步的不公正。然而,在加剧英国内部政治分歧的过程中,它为苏格兰的前罢工者及其支持者提供了一条恢复正义的途径。2022 年,苏格兰议会为 500 多名在苏格兰法院因罢工而被定罪的人提供了集体赦免。