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Management of acne in transgender and gender diverse youth part 1: Gender affirming care and risk factors for the development of acne
Pediatric Dermatology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-26 , DOI: 10.1111/pde.15113
Markus D Boos 1 , Nicole Hollingshead 2 , Juanita K Hodax 3

Acne vulgaris is among the most common skin disorders afflicting adolescents worldwide, and though well-established guidelines of care exist for acne management, these guidelines do not uniformly consider or address the unique psychosocial and medical needs of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) youth. TGD youth may possess distinct goals of therapy when treating their acne; the use of medicines routinely employed to treat acne may also expose TGD adolescents receiving gender affirming medical therapy to greater risk of adverse events. Part 1 of this two-part review provides dermatologists an understanding of gender affirming care and its timing, as well as its potential impacts on the development of acne in TGD youth.


跨性别和性别多样化青年的痤疮管理第 1 部分:性别肯定护理和痤疮发展的危险因素

寻常痤疮是影响全世界青少年的最常见皮肤病之一,尽管存在完善的痤疮管理护理指南,但这些指南并未统一考虑或解决跨性别和性别多样化 (TGD) 青年独特的社会心理和医疗需求。TGD 青少年在治疗痤疮时可能有不同的治疗目标;使用常规用于治疗痤疮的药物也可能使接受性别肯定药物治疗的 TGD 青少年面临更大的不良事件风险。这篇分为两部分的综述的第 1 部分让皮肤科医生了解性别肯定护理及其时机,以及它对 TGD 青年痤疮发展的潜在影响。