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Don't forget the oldies: using IoT to connect the legacy medical equipments
Critical Care ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s13054-022-04112-y
Linghua Yu 1 , Ming Yao 1

Medical devices have been evolving for decades, but there's still a long way to go. According to studies, an estimate of nearly 100,000 annual deaths by medical negligence in the USA, making them the third leading cause of patient death in the country, behind only heart disease and cancer [1, 2]. Those events most likely occurred in the intensive care unit (ICU). The major causes of medical negligence include medication errors (20%), diagnostic errors (17%), and failure to prevent infection (12%), all of which could be avoided by improving the synergy between medical devices [3]. Thus, an essential step in reducing medical errors is to connect medical devices and share data seamlessly with each other.

The most effective way to coordinate medical equipment is through using a universal standard communication interface. The Internet of Things (IoT) promises seamless connectivity between all devices, allowing for more accurate and up-to-date health information exchange for patients. By connecting these often disparate pieces of equipment, we can reduce medical errors and save lives. For example, imaging an insulin pump connected to a glucose monitor, the pump will be able to adjust insulin levels without human intervention.

Unfortunately, the medical industry is at a very awkward stage in the application of IoT technology, and medical staff act as a "human network" to do all the connection and coordination work [4]. In an ICU, there are ventilators, monitors, infusion pumps, defibrillators and other devices that require communication between them. The problem is that each one has its own proprietary interface and cannot communicate with others unless they are made by the same manufacturer. At present, most medical devices are connected to computers by point-to-point topology through serial interfaces [5]. If the computer needs to be connected to other medical equipment, rewiring is required. We can see a huge gap exists between the cutting-edge technology and old medical equipment in the hospital.

Wireless communication makes the interconnection between medical equipment simple, flexible, and reliable. However, a majority of existing medical devices only support serial interfaces and can't run the wireless network. Herein, we designed a device to achieve wireless interconnection for old medical equipment based on IoT technology. This device is plugged into the serial interface of medical equipment and transfers the data to the wireless network. New technology plus a small device, could rescue these oldie devices by allowing them to share data seamlessly over a wirelessly connected network (Fig. 1). We hope this will help prevent future medical errors and save lives!

Fig. 1
figure 1

IoT device we designed

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  1. Neugebauer J, Tóthová V, Chloubová I, Hajduchová H, Brabcová I, Prokešová R. Causes and interventions of medication errors in healthcare facilities. Ceska Slov Farm. 2021;70:43–50.

    CAS PubMed Google Scholar

  2. James JT. A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. J Patient Saf. 2013;9:122–8.

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  3. Rodziewicz TL, Houseman B, Hipskind JE. Medical error reduction and prevention. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing Copyright © 2022, StatPearls Publishing LLC., 2022.

  4. Maassen O, Fritsch S, Gantner J, Deffge S, Kunze J, Marx G, Bickenbach J. Future mobile device usage, requirements, and expectations of physicians in German university hospitals: web-based survey. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22: e23955.

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  5. Mlosek RK, Migda B, Migda M. High-frequency ultrasound in the 21(st) century. J Ultrason. 2021;20:e233–41.

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Supported by Grants from the Medical health Project of Zhejiang Province (2022KY1238), Key project of the Affiliated Hospital of Jiaxing University (2020YJZD005), Key medical discipline in Jiaxing–Gastroenterology (2019-ZC-08), and the First Hospital of Jiaxing/Affiliated Hospital of Jiaxing University Joint Research Fund (2021LHJJ004).

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department, Institute of Liver Diseases, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiaxing University, 1882 Central-South Road, Jiaxing, 314001, Zhejiang, People’s Republic of China

    Linghua Yu & Ming Yao

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Linghua Yu participated in the design, and interpretation, and drafted the manuscript. Figure 1 was originally created by the corresponding author. Ming Yao helped to finalize the paper. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Linghua Yu.

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Yu, L., Yao, M. Don't forget the oldies: using IoT to connect the legacy medical equipments. Crit Care 26, 256 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-022-04112-y

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  • Medical equipment
  • Medical negligence
  • Intensive care unit



医疗设备已经发展了几十年,但还有很长的路要走。根据研究,在美国估计每年有近 100,000 人因医疗过失而死亡,这使其成为该国患者死亡的第三大原因,仅次于心脏病和癌症 [1, 2]。这些事件最有可能发生在重症监护病房 (ICU)。医疗疏忽的主要原因包括用药错误(20%)、诊断错误(17%)和未能预防感染(12%),所有这些都可以通过提高医疗器械之间的协同作用来避免[3]。因此,减少医疗错误的一个重要步骤是连接医疗设备并彼此无缝共享数据。

协调医疗设备的最有效方法是使用通用标准通信接口。物联网 (IoT) 承诺在所有设备之间实现无缝连接,从而为患者交换更准确和最新的健康信息。通过连接这些通常不同的设备,我们可以减少医疗错误并挽救生命。例如,对连接到血糖监测仪的胰岛素泵进行成像,该泵将能够在没有人为干预的情况下调节胰岛素水平。

遗憾的是,医疗行业在物联网技术的应用上正处于一个非常尴尬的阶段,医务人员作为“人网”来做所有的连接和协调工作[4]。在 ICU 中,有呼吸机、监护仪、输液泵、除颤器和其他需要它们之间通信的设备。问题是每个都有自己的专有接口,除非它们是由同一制造商制造的,否则无法与其他人通信。目前,大多数医疗设备都是通过串行接口通过点对点拓扑连接到计算机[5]。如果计算机需要连接到其他医疗设备,则需要重新布线。我们可以看到,医院的尖端技术与陈旧的医疗设备之间存在着巨大的差距。

无线通信使医疗设备之间的互联变得简单、灵活、可靠。然而,现有的大多数医疗设备只支持串行接口,不能运行无线网络。在此,我们设计了一款基于物联网技术实现旧医疗设备无线互联的设备。该设备插入医疗设备的串行接口,并将数据传输到无线网络。新技术加上小型设备,可以通过允许它们通过无线连接的网络无缝共享数据来拯救这些旧设备(图 1)。我们希望这将有助于防止未来的医疗错误并挽救生命!





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  4. Maassen O、Fritsch S、Gantner J、Deffge S、Kunze J、Marx G、Bickenbach J。德国大学医院医生未来的移动设备使用、要求和期望:基于网络的调查。J Med Internet Res。2020;22:e23955。


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  1. 浙江省嘉兴市中南路1882号嘉兴大学附属医院肝病研究所肝病消化内科 314001

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Yu, L., Yao, M. 不要忘记老歌:使用物联网连接传统医疗设备。重症监护 26 , 256 (2022)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-022-04112-y


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  • 医疗疏忽
  • 重症监护室