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Some Ontological and Epistemological Consequences of the Development of Online Family Therapy and What This Could Mean for Practice
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy ( IF 1.380 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-18 , DOI: 10.1002/anzf.1508
Richard Mc Kenny 1 , Frank Burbach 2, 3

With a focus on ‘screen and team’ family therapy, we tentatively explore possible practice implications associated with family therapy moving from in-person to online delivery, with the intention of developing questions for further empirical research. By examining some of the affordances and constraints of the online medium in relation to the use of triadic questioning, we set forth a number of the epistemological and ontological consequences of this move. We argue that online therapy has particular features of a dialogical approach and method. We then examine the concept of joint action, the nature of the conversational processes, and the utterance chains that seem to be more likely to emerge when working online. We posit that a major advantage of the move to online delivery of family therapy is the medium’s particular utility for generating more invitational, collaborative, and dialogical practices.


