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A foundational resource for Isthmo-Colombian material culture
Antiquity ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-18 , DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2022.100
Julia Burtenshaw

As the fifth and final volume in a series of publications dedicated to the description and study of the pre-Columbian collection at Dumbarton Oaks (beginning with Andean art at Dumbarton Oaks in 1996; Hill Boone 1996), Pre-Columbian art from Central America and Colombia at Dumbarton Oaks and its companion volume, Pre-Columbian Central America, Colombia, and Ecuador: toward an integrated approach, lend new meaning to the phrase ‘going out with a bang’, with a combined 1262 pages and over 30 separate essays. Clearly an enormous undertaking, these books are the outcome of countless collaborations, technical analyses and workshops over many years, gathering the participation of an impressive number of scholars from all over the Americas. The sheer amount of data and detail presented in these volumes, as well as updated topics for discussion and interpretation, make them an absolutely fundamental resource for any scholar of the region.



作为一系列出版物中的第五卷也是最后一卷,致力于描述和研究敦巴顿橡树园的前哥伦布时期收藏(从1996 年在敦巴顿橡树园的安第斯艺术开始;希尔布恩 1996 年),来自中美洲的前哥伦布时期艺术和哥伦比亚在 Dumbarton Oaks及其配套卷,前哥伦布时期的中美洲、哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔:走向综合方法,1262 页和 30 多篇独立的文章为“轰轰烈烈地出去”这句话赋予了新的含义。这些书显然是一项艰巨的任务,是多年来无数合作、技术分析和研讨会的成果,汇集了来自美洲各地的众多学者的参与。这些卷中提供的大量数据和详细信息,以及用于讨论和解释的更新主题,使它们成为该地区任何学者的绝对基础资源。
