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Deposit Formation in Equipment for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s10553-022-01413-4
T. V. Sal’nikova , B. P. Tumanyan , G. V. Vlasova , N. A. Pivovarova , O. N. Kozyrev , V. M. Kolosov

The physicochemical basis for the formation of deposits on equipment in petroleum and natural gas processing plants has been examined. Feasibility was established for the use of magnetic methods in the petroleum and natural gas industry for extraction, transport, storage, and processing of the hydrocarbon feedstock resulting in a change in the dispersion of oil systems in combination with various other procedures. We have attempted to expand our understanding of the mechanism of formation of deposits at high, moderate, and low temperatures over time, especially during magnetic treatment of complex polydisperse hydrocarbon systems.



