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Driving, Residential Location, and Employment Outcomes Among Older Adults
Journal of Applied Gerontology ( IF 2.645 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-13 , DOI: 10.1177/07334648221120081
Andrew Schouten 1 , Evelyn Blumenberg 2 , Martin Wachs 2

The ability to drive is positively associated with workforce participation among older adults. However, residence in neighborhoods where destinations are easy to reach by public transit could potentially narrow the employment gap between older drivers and non-drivers. This study examines the relationship between driving, residential location characteristics, and employment outcomes among older adults. Findings show that both drivers and non-drivers are more likely to be employed if they live in neighborhoods with high levels of access to jobs via public transit. However, the positive relationship between transit access to jobs and employment outcomes is particularly strong among non-drivers. These findings indicate that although older adult drivers are more likely to work than their non-driving counterparts, the gap in employment outcomes is mitigated by living in dense, transit-rich neighborhoods. Results suggest that policies supporting both automobile access and transit-rich residential environments can facilitate labor force participation among older adults.



