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The Provenance of Ancient Cotton and Wool Textiles from Nubia: Insights from Technical Textile Analysis and Strontium Isotopes
Journal of African Archaeology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-12 , DOI: 10.1163/21915784-bja10019
Magdalena M. Wozniak 1 , Zdzislaw Belka 2

Late antique and medieval cotton and wool textiles found in the middle Nile Valley (Nubia, northern Sudan) were analysed for their technical characteristics and strontium (Sr) isotope composition. All wool textiles exhibit Sr isotope signatures consistent with the isotopic background of the region studied and are considered to be of local origin. However, a medieval wool kilim from Meinarti shows technical and aesthetic features suggesting its foreign Maghreb provenance. As this fabric dates back to the occupation of Meinarti by the Beni Ikrima tribe, it is suggested that the kilim was woven by the Beni Ikrima people from local Nubian raw material. The cotton samples tested come from abroad and document trade with the oases of the Egyptian Western Desert, the west coast of India, and perhaps also with the Arabian Peninsula or Pakistan.



分析了在尼罗河谷中部(苏丹北部努比亚)发现的晚期古董和中世纪棉和羊毛纺织品的技术特征和锶 (Sr) 同位素组成。所有羊毛纺织品都显示出与所研究区域的同位素背景一致的 Sr 同位素特征,并被认为是本地产的。然而,来自迈纳蒂 (Meinarti) 的中世纪羊毛基里姆布显示出其技术和美学特征,表明其起源于外国马格里布。由于这种面料的历史可以追溯到贝尼伊克里马部落占领迈纳尔蒂 (Meinarti),这表明基里姆是由贝尼伊克里马人使用当地的努比亚原材料编织而成。测试的棉花样本来自国外,记录了与埃及西部沙漠绿洲、印度西海岸以及可能与阿拉伯半岛或巴基斯坦的贸易。