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Problems of Local Flooding in Functional Urban Areas in Poland
Water ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-09 , DOI: 10.3390/w14162453
Karol Dawid Mrozik

The research process of developing recommendations for rural communities directly adjacent to metropolitan cities in the field of local flooding protection, especially retention fee was preceded by: analysis of secondary data in 100 communities in three Functional Urban Areas (Metropolitan Areas, MA) in Poland: Poznań MA, Wrocław MA and Łódź MA (assessment of flooding and urbanization), analysis of primary data in 18 rural communities immediately adjacent to the metropolitan centers: semi-structured telephone interviews (stormwater fee from the stakeholder perspective) and survey research (local floodings from the citizen perspectives). To illustrate the scale of the flooding problem in MAs, flood risk maps were used along with data from the State Fire Service on local threats, and for assessing the scale of suburbanization data obtained from Statistics Poland. Although residents confirmed their readiness to co-finance the activities supporting the development of water retention, local authorities were hesitant to introduce additional charges for the residents. Therefore, a better solution would be to set the fees already at the national level. However, communities should be given more power with regards to the distribution of collected funds which, in turn, should be allocated directly to the local programs for the enhancement of retention capacity in the local catchments.



在为与大城市直接相邻的农村社区制定地方防洪领域建议的研究过程之前,特别是保留费:分析波兰三个功能性城市区(马萨诸塞州大都会区)的 100 个社区的二手数据: Poznań MA、Wrocław MA 和 Łódź MA(洪水和城市化评估),对紧邻大都市中心的 18 个农村社区的原始数据进行分析:半结构化电话访谈(从利益相关者的角度看雨水费)和调查研究(当地洪水从公民的角度来看)。为了说明 MA 中洪水问题的规模,我们使用了洪水风险图以及来自州消防局的有关当地威胁的数据,以及评估从波兰统计局获得的郊区化数据的规模。尽管居民确认他们愿意共同资助支持蓄水发展的活动,但地方当局不愿向居民收取额外费用。因此,更好的解决方案是在国家层面上设定费用。然而,社区在分配筹集的资金方面应获得更多权力,而这些资金又应直接分配给当地计划,以提高当地集水区的保留能力。更好的解决办法是在国家一级设定收费。然而,社区在分配筹集的资金方面应获得更多权力,而这些资金又应直接分配给当地计划,以提高当地集水区的保留能力。更好的解决办法是在国家一级设定收费。然而,社区在分配筹集的资金方面应获得更多权力,而这些资金又应直接分配给当地计划,以提高当地集水区的保留能力。