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Suicide Intervention Practices: What Is Being Used by Mental Health Clinicians and Mental Health Allies?
Archives of Suicide Research ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-09 , DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2022.2106923
David C Rozek , Hannah Tyler , Brooke A Fina , Shelby N Baker , John C Moring , Noelle B Smith , Justin C Baker , Annabelle O Bryan , Craig J Bryan , Katherine A Dondanville



Implementation of evidence-based suicide prevention is critical to prevent death by suicide. Contrary to previously held beliefs, interventions including contracting for safety, no-harm contracts, and no-suicide contracts are not best practices and are considered contraindicated. Little is known about the current use of best practices and contraindicated interventions for suicide prevention in community settings.


Data were collected from 771 individuals enrolled in a suicide prevention training. Both mental health clinicians (n = 613) and mental health allies (e.g., teachers, first responders) (n = 158) reported which best practices (i.e., safety plan, crisis response plan) and contraindicated interventions (i.e., contracting for safety, no-harm contract, no-suicide contract) they use with individuals who presents with risk for suicide.


The majority of both mental health clinicians (89.7%) and mental health allies (67.1%) endorsed using at least one evidence-based practice. However, of those who endorsed using evidence-based interventions, ∼40% of both mental health clinicians and allies endorsed using contraindicated interventions as well.


Contraindicated interventions are being used at high rates and suicide prevention trainings for evidence-based interventions should include a focus on de-implementation of contraindicated interventions. This study examined only a snapshot of what clinicians and allies endorsed using. Additional in depth information about each intervention and when it is used would provide helpful information and should be considered in future studies. Future research is needed to ensure only evidence-based interventions are being used to help prevent death by suicide.

  • Highlights:

  • The majority of both mental health clinicians and mental health allies use evidence-based practices for suicide prevention. This indicates good implementation rates of evidence-based interventions for suicide prevention.

  • Approximately 40% of both mental health clinicians and mental health allies who endorsed using evidence-based practices for suicide preventions also endorsed using contraindicated interventions.

  • A focus on de-implementation of contraindicated suicide interventions is warranted and should be part of the focus on suicide prevention efforts.







数据收集自 771 名参加自杀预防培训的个人。心理健康临床医生(n  = 613)和心理健康盟友(例如教师、急救人员)(n  = 158)报告了最佳实践(即安全计划、危机应对计划)和禁忌干预措施(即签订安全合同、他们对有自杀风险的个人使用“无伤害合同”、“无自杀合同”。


大多数心理健康临床医生(89.7%)和心理健康盟友(67.1%)都支持使用至少一种循证实践。然而,在那些支持使用循证干预措施的人中,约 40% 的心理健康临床医生和盟友也支持使用禁忌干预措施。



  • 强调:

  • 大多数心理健康临床医生和心理健康盟友都使用循证实践来预防自杀。这表明预防自杀的循证干预措施实施率良好。

  • 在支持使用循证实践预防自杀的心理健康临床医生和心理健康盟友中,大约 40% 也支持使用禁忌干预措施。

  • 有必要重点关注取消禁忌自杀干预措施的实施,并且应该将其作为重点关注自杀预防工作的一部分。
