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Factors affecting e-government adoption in the UAE public sector organisations: the knowledge management perspective
Journal of Knowledge Management ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-10 , DOI: 10.1108/jkm-09-2021-0681
Ahmed Juma Al Sayegh , Syed Zamberi Ahmad , Khadeeja Mohsen AlFaqeeh , Sanjay Kumar Singh


This study aims to investigate factors that influence e-government adoption among public sector departments with the view to determine how such factors may be used to better facilitate e-government adoption across United Arab Emirates (UAE) public sectors. The use of e-government is advocated for the central government in the UAE.


Using random sampling, a total of 172 participants from ten departments and organisations in Dubai and Sharjah completed the online survey for this pilot study.


The authors found that performance expectancy and facilitating conditions have positive effects on e-government adoption. Furthermore, this study revealed the factors that encourage more e-government adoption between government organisations in the UAE. This study reveals three facilitating conditions may encourage e-government adoption in UAE public sector organisations when short- and long-term performances have positive effects on e-government usage.

Practical implications

This study provides middle managers clarity on factors that would influence government-to-government (G2G) uptake in more government organisations across the country. For uniformity and consistency, middle managers are now better informed as a result of this study to determine how best to use the six factors to motivate subordinates for more effective G2G.


The scope and results of this study is a contribution to e-government studies because it identifies the factors that positively influence G2G adoption. This scope exceeds the studies by Chan et al. (2021) and Habib et al. (2020) which focuses on the use of e-government for citizens or the public. This study focuses on the use of e-government within the government and between government departments.




本研究旨在调查影响公共部门部门采用电子政务的因素,以确定如何利用这些因素更好地促进阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 公共部门采用电子政务。阿联酋中央政府提倡使用电子政务。


通过随机抽样,来自迪拜和沙迦的 10 个部门和组织的 172 名参与者完成了本试点研究的在线调查。




这项研究使中层管理人员清楚地了解了影响全国更多政府组织中政府对政府 (G2G) 采用的因素。出于一致性和一致性的考虑,本研究的结果是,中层管理人员现在可以更好地了解如何最好地利用这六个因素来激励下属实现更有效的 G2G。


本研究的范围和结果是对电子政务研究的贡献,因为它确定了对 G2G 采用产生积极影响的因素。这个范围超出了 Chan等人的研究。(2021) 和 Habib等人。(2020 年),其重点是为公民或公众使用电子政务。本研究侧重于政府内部和政府部门之间对电子政务的使用。
