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American Journal of Transplantation: Volume 22, Number 8, August 2022
American Journal of Transplantation ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-03 , DOI: 10.1111/ajt.16670

On the cover: The long-term health and well-being of live kidney donors is a primary concern and responsibility of the transplantation community. Thus far, research has predominantly focused on risks of hypertension, proteinuria, development of chronic kidney disease, progression to end stage renal disease and overall mortality. In this issue, Engels et al. (page 2006) examine cancer risk using data from the National Cancer Institute's Transplant Cancer Match Study that links the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients to multiple state and regional cancer registries. Overall, cancer risk for live kidney donors was significantly reduced compared to the general population reflecting, at least in part, the good general health and rigorous cancer screening implicit in live kidney donation. Live kidney donors were also compared to participants in the Adventist Health Study 2, a nationwide cohort study of Adventist Church members, after excluding those with a relative or absolute contraindication to kidney donation. Compared to this cohort considered to be generally “healthier” than the general population, live kidney donors exhibited an increased risk of colorectal and kidney cancer beginning seven years after donation. Sharif (page 1941) frames these provocative findings with a brief discussion of biological plausibility followed by counseling considerations for future live kidney donors.


美国移植杂志:第 22 卷,第 8 期,2022 年 8 月

在封面: 活肾捐赠者的长期健康和福祉是移植界的首要关注和责任。迄今为止,研究主要集中在高血压、蛋白尿、慢性肾病发展、进展至终末期肾病和总体死亡率的风险上。在这个问题上,恩格斯等人。(2006 页)使用来自国家癌症研究所的移植癌症匹配研究的数据检查癌症风险,该研究将移植接受者的科学登记处与多个州和地区的癌症登记处联系起来。总体而言,与一般人群相比,活肾捐献者的癌症风险显着降低,这至少部分反映了活肾捐献中隐含的良好的总体健康状况和严格的癌症筛查。活体肾脏捐献者也与复临健康研究 2 的参与者进行了比较,该研究是一项针对复临教会成员的全国性队列研究,在排除了相对或绝对禁忌肾脏捐献的人之后。与这个被认为通常比普通人群“更健康”的人群相比,活肾捐献者在捐献七年后开始表现出患结直肠癌和肾癌的风险增加。Sharif(第 1941 页)将这些具有启发性的发现框定为对生物学合理性的简短讨论,然后是对未来活肾捐献者的咨询考虑。与这个被认为通常比普通人群“更健康”的人群相比,活肾捐献者在捐献七年后开始表现出患结直肠癌和肾癌的风险增加。Sharif(第 1941 页)将这些具有启发性的发现框定为对生物学合理性的简短讨论,然后是对未来活肾捐献者的咨询考虑。与这个被认为通常比普通人群“更健康”的人群相比,活肾捐献者在捐献七年后开始表现出患结直肠癌和肾癌的风险增加。Sharif(第 1941 页)将这些具有启发性的发现框定为对生物学合理性的简短讨论,然后是对未来活肾捐献者的咨询考虑。