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Same-different letter decision task: a study with Spanish children with dyslexia (Tarea de decisión de letras igual-diferente: un estudio con niños españoles con dislexia)
Journal for the Study of Education and Development ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-08 , DOI: 10.1080/02103702.2022.2096298
Cristina Martínez-García 1 , Fernando Cuetos 2 , Paz Suárez-Coalla 2


It is common to see mirror errors in letters in early stages of reading due to the mirror-generalization process that allows a visual stimulus to be identified independently of its orientation. To avoid such errors, this process must be inhibited. A special case would be children with dyslexia since their difficulties with the alphabetic code may also delay the acquisition of correct letter orientation. We investigated the relationship between reversible errors in reading and dyslexia. Twenty-seven Spanish-speaking children with dyslexia (7–12 years old) and 27 chronological-age-matched controls performed a ‘same-different’ letter decision task on reversible and non-reversible letters. Results showed that all participants required more time and committed more errors in discriminating reversible letters. In addition, worse execution was observed in the dyslexic group, which seems to indicate that this group is delayed in the acquisition of correct letter orientation. Therefore, our results indicated that overcoming reading errors in mirrors depends to some extent on the reading competence of the children and the ability to inhibit the process of generalization of mirrors.


相同不同的字母决定任务:一项针对患有阅读障碍的西班牙儿童的研究(Tarea de decisión de letras igual-diferente: un estudio con niños españoles con dislexia)


由于镜像泛化过程允许独立于其方向来识别视觉刺激,因此在阅读的早期阶段通常会在字母中看到镜像错误。为避免此类错误,必须禁止此过程。一个特殊情况是患有阅读障碍的儿童,因为他们在字母编码方面的困难也可能会延迟获得正确的字母方向。我们调查了阅读中的可逆错误与阅读障碍之间的关系。27 名讲西班牙语的阅读障碍儿童(7-12 岁)和 27 名按实际年龄匹配的对照对可逆和不可逆字母执行了“相同不同”的字母决策任务。结果表明,所有参与者在区分可逆字母时都需要更多的时间,并且犯了更多的错误。此外,在阅读障碍组中观察到更糟糕的执行,这似乎表明该组在获得正确的字母方向方面有所延迟。因此,我们的研究结果表明,克服镜子中的阅读错误在一定程度上取决于儿童的阅读能力和抑制镜子泛化过程的能力。
