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Children's developing ability to adjust their beliefs reasonably in light of disagreement
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-04 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13838
Antonia F Langenhoff 1 , Jan M Engelmann 1 , Mahesh Srinivasan 1

Two preregistered experiments (N = 218) investigated children's developing ability to respond reasonably to disagreement. U.S. children aged 4–9, and adults (50% female, mostly white) formed an initial belief, and were confronted with the belief of a disagreeing other, whose evidence was weaker, stronger than, or equal to participants' evidence. With age, participants were increasingly likely to maintain their initial belief when their own evidence was stronger, adopt the other's belief when their evidence was weaker, and suspend judgment when both had equally strong evidence. Interestingly, 4- to 6-year-olds only suspended judgment reliably when this was assessed via the search for additional information (Experiment 2). Together, our experiments suggest that the ability to respond reasonably to disagreement develops over the preschool years.



两个预先注册的实验 ( N = 218) 调查了儿童合理应对分歧的发展能力。4-9 岁的美国儿童和成年人(50% 为女性,大部分是白人)形成了最初的信念,并面对不同意的其他人的信念,其证据弱于、强于或等于参与者的证据。随着年龄的增长,参与者越来越有可能在他们自己的证据更强时保持他们最初的信念,在他们的证据较弱时采纳对方的信念,并在双方都有同样强大的证据时暂停判断。有趣的是,4 至 6 岁的孩子只有在通过搜索额外信息(实验 2)进行评估时才会可靠地暂停判断。总之,我们的实验表明,合理应对分歧的能力在学龄前得到发展。