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Conservation status and cultural values of sea turtles leading to (un)written parallel management systems in Fiji
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-022-01766-4
Salanieta Kitolelei 1 , Alisi Soderberg 1 , Nemillie Qaqara 1 , Shritika S Prakash 1 , Malakai Tuiono 1 , Joeli Veitayaki 1 , Susanna Piovano 1

Globally and locally, conservationists and scientists work to inform policy makers to help recovery of endangered sea turtle populations. In Fiji, in the South Pacific, sea turtles are protected by the national legislation because of their conservation status, and are also a customary iTaukei resource. Centered on our interview-based study at Qoma and Denimanu villages, parallel management systems coexist, where both the (written) national legislation and the (unwritten) customary iTaukei rules determine the time and the quantity of sea turtle harvest. In addition, non-governmental organizations and academic institutions may influence local sea turtle management by providing scientific awareness and helping divert the economic values from the meat to the living animal. We suggest that the government and non-governmental organizations emphasize community management of sea turtles, and work alongside the customary chiefs and their fishing clans to understand the real harvest (eventually by allowing quotas) and to monitor the recovery of South Pacific sea turtles in Fijian waters.



在全球和地方,自然资源保护主义者和科学家致力于为政策制定者提供信息,以帮助恢复濒临灭绝的海龟种群。在南太平洋的斐济,海龟因其保护地位而受到国家立法的保护,同时也是习惯性的iTaukei资源。以我们在 Qoma 和 Denimanu 村庄的基于访谈的研究为中心,并行管理系统共存,其中(成文的)国家立法和(不成文的)习惯 iTaukei 规则决定了海龟收获的时间和数量。此外,非政府组织和学术机构可能会通过提供科学意识和帮助将经济价值从肉类转移到活体动物来影响当地的海龟管理。
