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Analytical model for fracture conductivity considering rod proppant in pulse fracturing
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering Pub Date : 2022-08-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110904
Yuxuan Liu , Shuxing Mu , Jianchun Guo , Qiu Li , Dengqiang Hu , Shibin Wang

In recent years, the combination of rod proppants and pulse-fracturing technology has been successfully applied to many reservoirs. It can not only solve the issue of proppant backflow, but also improve the productivity of oil and gas wells. However, fracture conductivity under a sparse distribution of rod proppants is rarely investigated theoretically, and the existing spherical model cannot be used owing to the different shapes of proppants.

Based on the contact mechanisms between cylinders, deformation and embedment models of rod proppants are developed to calculate the fracture width. To solve the problem of sparse distribution, the axial and radial distance coefficients between rod proppants are defined, and a dimensionless permeability model is derived. Finally, a model for fracture conductivity under a rod proppant is developed based on the fracture width and permeability models. The model can predict the fracture conductivity when a rod proppant is used during pulse fracturing.

The results show that in both the radial and axial flow directions, the fracture conductivity under radial proppant spacing is higher than that under axial proppant spacing, and the radial optimal proppant spacing is smaller than that the axial optimal proppant spacing. A critical proppant spacing exists that reverses the fracture conductivity. A larger radial proppant spacing renders it more difficult to obtain an axial optimal proppant spacing. This phenomenon is particularly evident when the closure pressure and proppant size are increased. Increasing the fracture width and improving the radial distribution of the rod proppant can effectively improve the fracture conductivity. The results of this study provide theoretical support for the combined use of rod proppants and pulse fracturing for improving productivity.





