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Design Factors of Ethics and Responsibility in Social Media: A Systematic Review of Literature and Expert Review of Guiding Principles
Journal of Media Ethics ( IF 1.150 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-01 , DOI: 10.1080/23736992.2022.2107524
Kate Sangwon Lee 1 , Huaxin Wei 1


Large-scale social media services have been challenged due to their lack of ethical principles, which has resulted in allegations of user manipulation such as propagation of fake news related to COVID-19 vaccination and biased algorithmic curations that lead to social polarization. We studied current social media community guidelines and conducted a systematic literature review to identify the core values needed for the establishment of guidelines for responsible social media services. Through expert interviews, a framework and guidelines are proposed for each of three areas: protecting privacy, raising awareness, and controlling abuse. We present each set of guidelines with executable principles and relevant design interventions that practitioners can use to offer responsible social media services. Our expert interviews surfaced tensions between the three areas that need to be addressed in developing responsible social media, such as privacy vs. sharing information, pseudonymity vs. safety, and spreading information vs. safety.




大型社交媒体服务由于缺乏道德原则而受到挑战,这导致了用户操纵的指控,例如传播与 COVID-19 疫苗接种相关的假新闻和导致社会两极分化的有偏见的算法管理。我们研究了当前的社交媒体社区指南,并进行了系统的文献回顾,以确定建立负责任的社交媒体服务指南所需的核心价值观。通过专家访谈,针对以下三个领域提出了框架和指导方针:保护隐私、提高认识和控制滥用。我们为每套指南提供可执行的原则和相关的设计干预措施,从业者可以用来提供负责任的社交媒体服务。
