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The Politics of the Social Biographical Approach to Working-Class Leaders
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859022000621
Melanie Nolan

In this paper, I consider John French's biography, Lula and His Politics of Cunning: From Metalworker to President of Brazil (2020). French discusses his methodology, which he characterizes as “a social biographical approach”. I argue that this methodology is already in historians’ toolkit. Historians writing biography seem to start with first premises rather than building on what went before. I thus contextualize the methodology, situating French's biography of Lula within more general shifts in approaches to biography.



在这篇论文中,我考虑了 John French 的传记,卢拉和他狡猾的政治:从金属工人到巴西总统(2020)。French 讨论了他的方法,他将其描述为“一种社会传记方法”。我认为这种方法已经存在于历史学家的工具包中。历史学家写传记似乎是从第一个前提开始的,而不是建立在之前的基础上。因此,我将方法论置于语境中,将弗兰奇的卢拉传记置于传记方法的更普遍转变中。
