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Comparison and evaluation of multiple satellite aerosol products over China in different scenarios under a unified criterion: Preparation for consistent and high-quality dataset construction
Atmospheric Research ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106374
Hao Zhu , Tianhai Cheng , Xiaoyang Li , Xiaotong Ye

Aerosol optical depth (AOD) products provided by satellite sensors are widely used in climate modeling and climate change research. However, inconsistencies between products can cause large biases. It is necessary to integrate multiple satellite aerosol products to produce a consistent and high-quality aerosol record that satisfies the requirements of climate research users. To effectively combine the advantages of different datasets, their performance under different conditions needs to be compared during overlapping periods using uniform methods and criteria. Based on Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) measurements from 2019 to 2021, this study is the first to systematically compare the accuracy of 16 publicly released products from multiple satellite sensors in China under various scenarios using the same criteria to support the construction of a harmonized and high-quality dataset. Compared with AERONET AOD, the average retrieval percentage of 16 products satisfying the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) accuracy requirement is 26.51%, with MISR and VIIRS Deep Blue (DB) products exceeding 40%, while MODIS 3 km Dark Target (DT), VIIRS DT, VIIRS Enterprise Processing System (EPS), and Sentinel-3 products are below 20%. By quantifying the accuracy of the products under different surface conditions, aerosol loadings, and particle size types, the accuracy ranking matrix of 16 products under different scenarios is established to provide a priori knowledge for the construction of a merged dataset. Finally, AOD products from October 2020 are merged based on the accuracy ranking matrix. The merged results show that, compared to the commonly used MODIS DT product, the percentage of retrievals satisfying GCOS requirement is improved by 22.55%, the correlation coefficient and mean absolute error are also improved, and the national average AOD coverage increases from 22.18% to 47.73%. These results are expected to provide guidance for the construction of high-quality datasets and the application of satellite aerosol products in climate research.
