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Dynamic processes of upper plate deformation at the New Guinea Trench
Tectonophysics ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229517
Zhengyi Zhang , Xiwu Luan , Fanfan Tian , Weimin Ran , Liang Zhang , Dongdong Dong , Weidong Sun

The interactions between arc-continent collision and subduction zones are still poorly understood. Here, we use 2D seismic data to document upper plate deformational features and identify different structural styles along the New Guinea Trench, western Pacific, and discuss their broader significance. In the western section, normal faults and negative flower structures occur within the strata of the upper plate. An unconformity represents the signal of tectonically driven subsidence. In the eastern section, both thick-skinned and thin-skinned thrusting are found within the frontal upper plate. In the central section, rare extensional or shortening deformation is identified within the forearc basement and overlying strata. Horizontal, thick sedimentary sequences within the Caroline subbasin have been subducted beneath the upper plate. This suggests that Miocene subduction in the eastern section led to the formation of a thrust-deformed ophiolitic basement in the upper plate. Since the Miocene, strike-slip tectonic processes dominated in the upper plate, causing compressional deformation in the strata in the eastern section and extensional to transtensional deformation in the strata in the western section. The strike-slip tectonic processes might have been weakened in the upper plate in central section due to the incoming Eauripik Rise. Over geologic time, arc-continent collision processes and related changing of regional tectonic forces can have a long-lived influence on shaping and deforming subduction systems.



