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Creating relationship-based practice in youth employment services—Converting policy intentions to practical program design
Social Policy & Administration ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-29 , DOI: 10.1111/spol.12840
Ariella Meltzer 1 , Ioana Ramia 2 , Jennifer Moffatt 3 , Abigail Powell 4

Relationship-based practice refers to approaches within human services which centralise inter-personal relationships—either those between clients and workers or between clients and their own network—as a way to achieve positive service outcomes. Relationship-based practice is increasingly recognised as a critical component in many areas of human services, particularly youth services. Despite increasing policy intentions for programs to adopt a relationship-based approach, it is not always clear how services can implement this in practice. While relationship-based skill training can be offered to individual workers, a question remains as to what can be done at an organisational and policy level to cultivate relationship-based practice. Within this context, this paper explores how programs can be designed to foster relationship-based practice. The paper draws on the evaluation of an intensive and tailored service for addressing long-term youth unemployment in Australia: the your job your way pilot program run by yourtown. A key success of the program was strong relationship-based practice, and this paper explores five features of the program's design that enabled this: (1) small caseloads, (2) intensive support, (3) staff with complementary skills and a professional and ‘youth friendly’ demeanour, (4) staff discretion about some aspects of program implementation, and (5) support delivered through social and group activities. The paper draws implications for how service provider organisations and governments can cultivate relationship-based practice in human services.



基于关系的实践是指在人性化服务中集中人际关系的方法——无论是客户与员工之间的关系还是客户与他们自己的网络之间的关系——作为实现积极服务成果的一种方式。基于关系的实践越来越被认为是许多人类服务领域的关键组成部分,特别是青年服务。尽管计划采用基于关系的方法的政策意图越来越多,但服务如何在实践中实施这一点并不总是很清楚。虽然可以向个体员工提供基于关系的技能培训,但在组织和政策层面可以采取哪些措施来培养基于关系的实践仍然存在问题。在此背景下,本文探讨了如何设计项目以促进基于关系的实践。你的工作你的方式由yourtown运行的试点项目。该计划的一个关键成功是强大的基于关系的实践,本文探讨了该计划设计的五个特点,使这一点成为可能:(1) 小案件量,(2) 密集支持,(3) 具有互补技能和专业和“青年友好”的举止,(4) 工作人员对项目实施某些方面的自由裁量权,以及 (5) 通过社交和团体活动提供的支持。该论文对服务提供者组织和政府如何在人类服务中培养基于关系的实践提出了启示。