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Intra-seasonal variability of autumn rainfall in the Yangtze River Delta and its related atmospheric circulations
Atmospheric Research ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106363
Yue Ma , Hanwei Yang , Zhongren Deng , Yalan Qin , Jiayao Li , Xiaoli Wei

In the densely populated and economically developed Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region, abnormal rainfall in autumn (September–November) has important implications for economic development, food security, and livelihoods. Here we explore the intra-seasonal variability of autumn rainfall in the YRD and pre-evolution of related atmospheric circulations, which can help to improve intra-seasonal rainfall prediction skills in the autumn season. Intra-seasonal variability of autumn rainfall over the YRD exhibits two dominant timescales, a quasi-biweekly oscillation (QBWO) cycle associated with tropical cyclones, and an intra-seasonal oscillation (ISO) cycle controlled by large-scale atmospheric circulation. Considering the more stable and robust ISO than QWBO, the ISO is primarily addressed here. Two dominant ISO modes in autumn rainfall are identified by using an empirical orthogonal function analysis. The first ISO mode is characterized by a monopole with regional consistent rainfall anomalies (MP mode), whereas the second ISO mode has a meridional dipole structure with opposite rainfall anomalies over the south and north part of YRD (DP mode). These two ISO modes are modulated by the ISO propagation of atmospheric circulation in key areas, including the Bay of Bengal, the western North Pacific, and the Okhotsk Sea, from 25-day to 10-day lead when the rainfall mode is enhanced. The MP mode (regional enhanced rainfall) is related to regional active moist convection, strong western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and active cold air invasion via Lake Baikal. The DP mode (moist in the south and dry in the north) is accompanied by north-south convective dipoles, weak WPSH and inactive cold air outbreaks.



在人口密集、经济发达的长江三角洲(YRD)地区,秋季(9-11月)的异常降雨对经济发展、粮食安全和民生具有重要影响。在这里,我们探讨了长三角地区秋季降雨的季节内变化以及相关大气环流的预演化,这有助于提高秋季季节内降雨的预测技能。长三角秋季降雨的季节内变化表现出两个主要的时间尺度,一个与热带气旋相关的准双周振荡(QBWO)周期,以及一个由大尺度大气环流控制的季节内振荡(ISO)周期。考虑到 ISO 比 QWBO 更稳定和健壮,这里主要介绍 ISO。通过使用经验正交函数分析确定了秋季降雨中的两种主要 ISO 模式。第一个 ISO 模式的特点是具有区域一致降雨异常的单极子(MP 模式),而第二个 ISO 模式具有经向偶极子结构,在长三角南部和北部地区具有相反的降雨异常(DP 模式)。这两种 ISO 模式在降雨模式增强时由孟加拉湾、北太平洋西部和鄂霍次克海等关键区域的大气环流 ISO 传播调制,提前 25 天到 10 天。MP模式(区域增强降雨)与区域活跃的湿对流、强西太平洋副热带高压(WPSH)和活跃的冷空气入侵有关 第一个 ISO 模式的特点是具有区域一致降雨异常的单极子(MP 模式),而第二个 ISO 模式具有经向偶极子结构,在长三角南部和北部地区具有相反的降雨异常(DP 模式)。这两种 ISO 模态受到包括孟加拉湾、北太平洋西部和鄂霍次克海在内的关键区域大气环流 ISO 传播的调制,当降雨模态增强时,提前 25 天到 10 天。MP模式(区域增强降雨)与区域活跃的湿对流、强西太平洋副热带高压(WPSH)和活跃的冷空气入侵有关 第一个 ISO 模式的特点是具有区域一致降雨异常的单极子(MP 模式),而第二个 ISO 模式具有经向偶极子结构,在长三角南部和北部地区具有相反的降雨异常(DP 模式)。这两种 ISO 模态受到包括孟加拉湾、北太平洋西部和鄂霍次克海在内的关键区域大气环流 ISO 传播的调制,当降雨模态增强时,提前 25 天到 10 天。MP模式(区域增强降雨)与区域活跃的湿对流、强西太平洋副热带高压(WPSH)和活跃的冷空气入侵有关 这两种 ISO 模态受到包括孟加拉湾、北太平洋西部和鄂霍次克海在内的关键区域大气环流 ISO 传播的调制,当降雨模态增强时,提前 25 天到 10 天。MP模式(区域增强降雨)与区域活跃的湿对流、强西太平洋副热带高压(WPSH)和活跃的冷空气入侵有关 这两种 ISO 模态受到包括孟加拉湾、北太平洋西部和鄂霍次克海在内的关键区域大气环流 ISO 传播的调制,当降雨模态增强时,提前 25 天到 10 天。MP模式(区域增强降雨)与区域活跃的湿对流、强西太平洋副热带高压(WPSH)和活跃的冷空气入侵有关途经贝加尔湖。DP模式(南湿北干)伴随着南北对流偶极子、弱副高压和不活跃的冷空气爆发。
