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A threat-based hate model: How symbolic and realistic threats underlie hate and aggression
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ( IF 3.532 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2022.104393
Cristhian A. Martínez , Jan-Willem van Prooijen , Paul A.M. Van Lange

Despite growing scientific attention for hate, little is known about how perceived threats may influence hate and aggression. In four preregistered online studies (Ntotal = 1422), we test a threat – hate – aggression model, examining the differential effects of symbolic and realistic threats on the emergence of hate, and the associations between hate and specific aggressive behaviors, across interpersonal and intergroup hate targets. In Study 1 we specify models testing the threat – hate – aggression paths. In Studies 2 (interpersonal hate) and 3 and 4 (intergroup hate) we manipulate realistic and symbolic threat perceptions, measuring hate and aggression. Across studies, hate is better predicted by symbolic than realistic threats. Also, hate consistently predicts aggressive tendencies and hurting behaviors, and interpersonal hate mediates the relationship between symbolic threats and the two aggressive behaviors while intergroup hate mediates the relationships between symbolic (and partially realistic) threats and the two aggressive behaviors. We discuss the implications of our findings for hate, threat, and prejudice research.



尽管对仇恨的科学关注越来越多,但人们对感知到的威胁如何影响仇恨和攻击性知之甚少。在四项预先注册的在线研究中(N总计 = 1422),我们测试了威胁-仇恨-攻击模型,检查了象征性威胁和现实威胁对仇恨出现的不同影响,以及仇恨与特定攻击行为之间的关联,跨越了人际和群体间的仇恨目标。在研究 1 中,我们指定了测试威胁 - 仇恨 - 攻击路径的模型。在研究 2(人际仇恨)和研究 3 和 4(群体间仇恨)中,我们操纵现实和象征性的威胁感知,衡量仇恨和攻击性。在所有研究中,象征性的威胁比现实的威胁更能预测仇恨。此外,仇恨始终预示着攻击性倾向和伤害行为,人际仇恨中介了象征性威胁和两种攻击行为之间的关系,而群体间仇恨中介了象征性(和部分现实的)威胁和两种攻击性行为之间的关系。我们讨论了我们的发现对仇恨、威胁和偏见研究的影响。
