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Democratic citizenship and polarization: Robert Talisse’s theory of democracy
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10677-022-10314-8
Daniel Sharp

This review essay critically discusses Robert Talisse’s account of democracy and polarization. I argue that Talisse overstates the degree to which polarization arises from the good-faith practice of democratic citizenship and downplays the extent to which polarization is caused by elites and exacerbated by social structures; this leads Talisse to overlook structural approaches to managing polarization and leaves his account of how citizens should respond to polarization incomplete. I conclude that Talisse’s insights should nevertheless be integrated into a broader agenda for thinking about the causes and solutions to polarization.



这篇评论文章批判性地讨论了罗伯特·塔利斯对民主和两极分化的描述。我认为,Talisse 夸大了两极分化源于民主公民的善意实践的程度,而淡化了两极分化由精英引起并因社会结构加剧的程度;这导致 Talisse 忽视了管理两极分化的结构性方法,并使得他对公民应如何应对两极分化的描述不完整。我的结论是,Talisse 的见解应该被整合到一个更广泛的议程中,以思考两极分化的原因和解决方案。
