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Parametric study of fluidization conditions of bed sediments in the hyporheic zone
Hydrological Processes ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-26 , DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14650
Marek Marciniak 1 , Mariusz Kaczmarek 2 , Magdalena Matusiak 1 , Anna Szczucińska 1

The phenomenon of fluidization of the bed sediment of the hyporheic zone involves the production of dynamic suspension of solid particles in a stream of water flowing in the direction opposite to gravity. Fluidization may be permanent; then, it becomes a spring or a headwater zone, where groundwater discharge rate is almost unchanged within an entire hydrological year. But it can also occur periodically, depending on the changing hydrodynamic conditions. In such cases, the fluidization of the bed sediment of the hyporheic zone may disturb its functioning by changing the conditions of surface water and groundwater exchange. The disturbances affect hydrodynamic and hydrochemical processes connected with water exchange, but first of all, the living conditions of hyporheic zone flora and fauna. Therefore, the phenomenon of fluidization is significant for broadly understood ecology of the hyporheic zone. The paper presents the analysis of conditions of fluidization occurrence depending on the main hydrodynamic parameters that may affect this process. The authors analysed the influence of the difference in water level between the drained aquifer and the river, the hydraulic conductivity and anisotropy of the aquifer, the vertical hydraulic conductivity in the hyporheic zone, thickness of the hyporheic zone, and the width of the river on the possibility of fluidization of the bed sediment of the hyporheic zone. The range of variability of particular parameters corresponds to the actual variability of those parameters in natural conditions. It was proved that the fluidization of the bed sediment of the hyporheic zone mostly depends on: water level difference, hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, and value of vertical hydraulic conductivity in the hyporheic zone. The other parameters have little influence on this process.


