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Modeling of Bianchi type I accelerating Universe in Lyra’s manifold
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-26 , DOI: 10.1142/s0219887822501973
Preeti Shrivastava 1, 2 , Lalit Kumar Gupta 3 , Rajendra Prasad 4 , A. J. Khan 1 , Sudhir Kumar Srivastava 5 , G. K. Goswami 6 , Anil Kumar Yadav 7

In this paper, we have investigated a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic accelerating Universe in Lyra’s geometry. Einstein’s field equations are solved explicitly by assuming dependent relation among the directional scale factors. In this paper, we use observational H(z) data (OHD) and Pantheon compilation of recent type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) data to constrain the model parameters of the Universe in derived model. We constrained the present value of Hubble parameter H0 and deceleration parameter q0 as H0=69.390.78+0.90 km/s/Mpc and q0=0.5830.009+0.010 together with transition redshift zt=0.660.04+0.05. We have also constrained the present age of the Universe in close vicinity of its observational value. Furthermore, we diagnose the statefinder parameters to know a geometrical discrimination of this model with standard ΛCDM model. Some physical aspects of the Universe are also discussed.


天琴座流形中 Bianchi I 型加速宇宙的建模

在本文中,我们研究了天琴座几何中空间均匀且各向异性的加速宇宙。爱因斯坦场方程通过假设方向比例因子之间的依赖关系来明确求解。在本文中,我们使用观察H(z)数据 (OHD) 和 Pantheon 最近 Ia 型超新星 (SN Ia) 数据的汇编,以在派生模型中约束宇宙的模型参数。我们限制了哈勃参数的现值H0和减速参数q0作为H0=69.39-0.78+0.90km/s/Mpc 和q0=-0.583-0.009+0.010连同过渡红移z=0.66-0.04+0.05. 我们还将宇宙的当前年龄限制在其观测值附近。此外,我们诊断状态查找器参数以了解该模型与标准的几何区分Λ清洁发展机制模型。还讨论了宇宙的一些物理方面。
