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Case 304: Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Radiology ( IF 12.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-25 , DOI: 10.1148/radiol.204599
María Luque-Cabal 1 , Verónica Álvarez-Guisasola 1 , Sofía Rizzo-Raza 1 , Covadonga Sales-Fernández 1 , Trinidad Escudero-Caro 1


In 2017, a 72-year-old woman was seen in the gastroenterology department with a 2-month history of mild and intermittent abdominal pain without other accompanying symptoms. Her medical history was unremarkable, except for a previous visit due to facial photodermatitis 3 years earlier. Diazepam for a sleeping disorder was the only chronic medication recorded. Results of physical examination, blood count, and basic metabolic panels including assessment of renal and liver function were normal; only the ferritin level was slightly elevated (265 ng/mL [595 pmol/L]; normal range, 10–120 ng/mL [22–269 pmol/L]). Abdominal US was performed, followed by multiphasic contrast-enhanced CT and liver MRI due to the findings of the first study. A diagnosis was not established in that moment, and acetaminophen was prescribed for pain relief. As the symptoms continued, laboratory tests and imaging studies were repeated 2 years later, with similar findings and no notable changes.


病例 304:迟发性皮肤卟啉病


2017 年,一名 72 岁的女性因 2 个月的轻度间歇性腹痛而在胃肠科就诊,无其他伴随症状。除了 3 年前因面部光敏性皮炎而曾就诊外,她的病史并不显着。用于睡眠障碍的地西泮是唯一记录的慢性药物。体格检查、血细胞计数和包括肾和肝功能评估在内的基础代谢指标均正常;只有铁蛋白水平略有升高(265 ng/mL [595 pmol/L];正常范围,10–120 ng/mL [22–269 pmol/L])。由于第一项研究的结果,进行了腹部超声检查,随后进行了多相对比增强 CT 和肝脏 MRI。在那一刻没有确定诊断,并且开了对乙酰氨基酚来缓解疼痛。
