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Effects of subsidy and regulation policy on soil and water resources of cotton planted lands in Harran Plain, Turkey
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106288
Mehmet Ali Çullu , Mustafa Teke , Mustafa Hakkı Aydoğdu , Hikmet Günal

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) provides essential raw material used in the textile, feed, and vegetable oil sectors. Therefore, it is a strategic crop for agricultural, economic, and political strategies around the world. Accurate monitoring of the changes in the cotton production patterns is crucial for decision-makers. Turkey is among the top ten cotton producers and ranks fourth in the world for cotton imports. One third of the total cotton production in Turkey comes from the southeastern Anatolia region of the country. This study analyzed the impact of subsidy and regulation policies on fluctuations in cotton production areas and soil and water quality in Harran Plains, southeastern Anatolia region Turkey. Time-series (between 2016 and 2021) satellite images were utilized to determine actual crop rotation in the study area. Turkish Government implemented a new rule for crop subsidies in 2020 which stated that a farmer will be eligible for subsidy for two consecutive years; however the subsidy will not be paid if the same crop is planted in the third year. Cotton was cultivated in 83 % of the Harran plains prior to new subsidy regulation, which decreased to 26 % after the new regulation. Sudden decrease in cotton cultivation area clearly indicated that farmers need public support to cover the costs in agricultural production. The Gross Production Value (BPV) for each crop was calculated to determine the impact of subsidy regulation on economic value of crops in the rotation.The GPV in 2020 was 2.903,7 $ ha−1 that was 33.6 % and 20.5 % lower than 2019 and 2021, respectively. The results indicated that crop subsidies significantly altered the crop selection behavior of farmers. Water requirement of crops in rotation between 2016 and 2021 was calculated to assess the effects of subsidy changes on water consumption. Cotton cultivation over a large part of the plains during the same season caused excessive water consumption, rise in groundwater level over time, soil salinity and severe water erosion. However, cotton cultivation area as well as water consumption in Harran plain new significantly decreased with the new subsidy regulation; therefore, water consumption in 2020 was the lowest among the time frame evaluated. Total sediment losses through surface runoff from the Harran Plain was estimated as 0.83 tons ha−1 per year. The results revealed that subsidies exert significant impacts on the gross production value in the region, amount of irrigation water consumed, and quality of soil and water resources in addition to the impact on the decision of farmers for crop selection.



棉花(Gossypium hirsutumL.) 提供用于纺织、饲料和植物油行业的基本原材料。因此,它是全球农业、经济和政治战略的战略作物。准确监测棉花生产模式的变化对决策者至关重要。土耳其是前十大棉花生产国之一,棉花进口量居世界第四位。土耳其棉花总产量的三分之一来自该国东南部安纳托利亚地区。本研究分析了补贴和监管政策对土耳其安纳托利亚东南部哈兰平原棉花产区及土壤和水质波动的影响。时间序列(2016 年至 2021 年)卫星图像被用来确定研究区的实际作物轮作。土耳其政府在 2020 年实施了一项农作物补贴新规定,规定农民将有资格连续两年获得补贴;但是,如果在第三年种植相同的作物,则不会支付补贴。在新的补贴规定之前,83% 的哈兰平原种植了棉花,在新规定之后下降到 26%。棉花种植面积的突然减少清楚地表明农民需要公共支持来支付农业生产成本。计算每种作物的总产值 (BPV) 以确定补贴规定对轮作作物经济价值的影响。2020 年的 GPV 为 2.903,7 $ ha 但是,如果在第三年种植相同的作物,则不会支付补贴。在新的补贴规定之前,83% 的哈兰平原种植了棉花,在新规定之后下降到 26%。棉花种植面积的突然减少清楚地表明农民需要公共支持来支付农业生产成本。计算每种作物的总产值 (BPV) 以确定补贴规定对轮作作物经济价值的影响。2020 年的 GPV 为 2.903,7 $ ha 但是,如果在第三年种植相同的作物,则不会支付补贴。在新的补贴规定之前,83% 的哈兰平原种植了棉花,在新规定之后下降到 26%。棉花种植面积的突然减少清楚地表明农民需要公共支持来支付农业生产成本。计算每种作物的总产值 (BPV) 以确定补贴规定对轮作作物经济价值的影响。2020 年的 GPV 为 2.903,7 $ ha−1分别比 2019 年和 2021 年低 33.6% 和 20.5%。结果表明,作物补贴显着改变了农民的作物选择行为。计算了 2016 年至 2021 年轮作作物的需水量,以评估补贴变化对用水量的影响。同一季节,大部分平原的棉花种植导致过度用水,地下水位随时间上升,土壤盐分和严重的水侵蚀。然而,随着新的补贴规定,新哈兰平原的棉花种植面积和用水量显着下降;因此,在评估的时间范围内,2020 年的用水量是最低的。来自哈兰平原的地表径流造成的总沉积物损失估计为 0.83 吨公顷-1每年。结果表明,补贴不仅对农户的作物选择决策产生影响,而且对该地区的总产值、灌溉用水量、水土资源质量产生显着影响。
