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Impact Earth: A review of the terrestrial impact record
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104112
Gordon R. Osinski , Richard A.F. Grieve , Ludovic Ferrière , Ania Losiak , Annemarie Pickersgill , Aaron J. Cavosie , Shannon M. Hibbard , Patrick Hill , Juan Jaimes Bermudez , Cassandra L. Marion , Jennifer D. Newman , Sarah L. Simpson

Over the past few decades, it has become increasingly clear that the impact of interplanetary bodies on other planetary bodies is one of the most ubiquitous and important geological processes in the Solar System. This impact process has played a fundamental role throughout the history of the Earth and other planetary bodies, resulting in both destructive and beneficial effects. The impact cratering record of Earth is critical to our understanding of the processes, products, and effects of impact events. In this contribution, we provide an up-to-date review and synthesis of the impact cratering record on Earth. Following a brief history of the Impact Earth Database (available online at http://www.impactearth.com), the definition of the main categories of impact features listed in the database, and an overview of the impact cratering process, we review and summarize the required evidence to confirm impact events. Based on these definitions and criteria, we list 188 hypervelocity impact craters and 13 impact craters (i.e., impact sites lacking evidence for shock metamorphism). For each crater, we provide details on key attributes, such as location, date confirmed, erosional level, age, target properties, diameter, and an overview of the shock metamorphic effects and impactites that have been described in the literature. We also list a large number of impact deposits, which we have classified into four main categories: tektites, spherule layers, occurrences of other types of glass, and breccias. We discuss the challenges of recognizing and confirming impact events and highlight weaknesses, contradictions, and inconsistencies in the literature.

We then address the morphology and morphometry of hypervelocity impact craters. Based on the Impact Earth Database, it is apparent that the transition diameter from simple to complex craters for craters developed in sedimentary versus crystalline target rocks is less pronounced than previously reported, at approximately 3 km for both. Our analysis also yields an estimate for stratigraphic uplift of 0.0945D0.6862, which is lower than previous estimates. We ascribe this to more accurate diameter estimates plus the variable effects of erosion. It is also clear that central topographic peaks in terrestrial complex impact craters are, in general, more subdued than their lunar counterparts. Furthermore, a number of relatively well-preserved terrestrial complex impact structures lack central peaks entirely. The final section of this review provides an overview of impactites preserved in terrestrial hypervelocity impact craters. While approximately three quarters of hypervelocity impact craters on Earth preserve some portion of their crater-fill impactites, ejecta deposits are known from less than 10%. In summary, the Impact Earth Database provides an important new resource for researchers interested in impact craters and the impact cratering process and we welcome input from the community to ensure that the Impact Earth website (http://www.impactearth.com) is a living resource that is as accurate and as up-to-date, as possible.



在过去的几十年里,越来越清楚的是,行星际天体对其他行星体的影响是太阳系中最普遍和最重要的地质过程之一。这一影响过程在地球和其他行星体的整个历史中都发挥了重要作用,产生了破坏性和有益的影响。地球的撞击坑记录对于我们了解撞击事件的过程、产品和影响至关重要。在这篇文章中,我们提供了对地球上撞击坑记录的最新回顾和综合。以下是影响地球数据库的简要历史(可在 http://www.impactearth.com 在线获取)、数据库中列出的主要撞击特征类别的定义以及撞击坑形成过程的概述,我们回顾和总结了确认撞击事件所需的证据。基于这些定义和标准,我们列出了 188个超高速撞击坑和 13 个撞击坑(即,撞击地点缺乏冲击变质作用的证据)。对于每个陨石坑,我们提供了关键属性的详细信息,例如位置、确认日期、侵蚀程度、年龄、目标特性、直径,以及文献中描述的冲击变质效应和冲击岩的概述。我们还列出了大量的影响存款,我们将其分为四个主要类别:玻璃陨石、球粒层、其他类型玻璃的出现和角砾岩。我们讨论了识别和确认影响事件的挑战,并强调了文献中的弱点、矛盾和不一致。

然后,我们讨论了超高速撞击坑的形态和形态测量。根据Impact Earth Database,很明显,沉积物与结晶目标岩中形成的陨石坑从简单陨石坑到复​​杂陨石坑的过渡直径不如先前报道的那么明显,两者都在大约 3 公里处。我们的分析还得出地层隆起的估计值为 0.0945D 0.6862,低于之前的估计。我们将此归因于更准确的直径估计以及侵蚀的可变影响。同样清楚的是,陆地复合体撞击坑的中央地形峰通常比月球对应的更柔和。此外,一些保存相对完好的陆地复杂撞击结构完全没有中心峰。本综述的最后一部分概述了保存在陆地超高速撞击坑中的撞击岩。虽然地球上大约四分之三的超高速撞击坑保留了部分撞击坑填充物,但已知喷射物沉积物不到 10%。总之,影响地球数据库为对撞击坑和撞击坑形成过程感兴趣的研究人员提供了重要的新资源,我们欢迎社区提供意见,以确保Impact Earth网站 (http://www.impactearth.com )是一个准确和尽可能最新。
