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Food in a colonial setting: The faunal assemblage of a short-lived Seleucid-founded site in the Near East
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Pub Date : 2022-07-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103558
Miriam Pines , Henk Mienis , Oz Rittner , Achim Lichtenberger , Oren Tal

In this paper we present the analysis of faunal ecofacts retrieved from well-secured features during recent excavation work carried out in 2019 and 2020 by the German-Israeli Tell Iẓṭabba Excavation Project in the Seleucid-founded town of Nysa-Scythopolis. Founded under Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–164 BCE) and destroyed by the Hasmonaeans in the later years of John Hyrcanus (in 107 BCE). The site offers a unique opportunity for observing the dietary habits of its Foreign Hellenistic settlers: the well-secured Seleucid assemblages, together with their varied provenance, offer new information on the Hellenistic southern Levant via a unique case-study employing high-resolution systematic analysis. The faunal assemblage from Tell Iẓṭabba (Nysa) provides a clearer picture of dietary practices in Hellenistic Palestine, focusing on the settlers at the site. By presenting the consumption patterns, based on animal bones and mollusks unearthed from the site’s layer of Hellenistic occupation, we offer a comprehensive overview of the meat sources of food at the site and present a distinct cultural practice which is markable different from regional Levantine dietary customs.



在本文中,我们介绍了在塞琉古建立的 Nysa-Scythopolis 镇的德国-以色列 Tell Iẓṭabba 挖掘项目于 2019 年和 2020 年进行的近期挖掘工作中,从安全特征中检索到的动物生态因子的分析。在安条克四世 Epiphanes(公元前 175-164 年)下建立,并在约翰·海尔卡努斯(John Hyrcanus)的晚年(公元前 107 年)被 Hasmonaeans 摧毁。该网站提供了一个独特的机会来观察其外国希腊化定居者的饮食习惯:安全可靠的塞琉古族群及其不同的出处,通过采用高分辨率系统分析的独特案例研究提供有关希腊化南部黎凡特的新信息. 来自 Tell Iẓṭabba (Nysa) 的动物群更清晰地展示了希腊化巴勒斯坦的饮食习惯,重点关注现场的定居者。通过展示消费模式,基于从该遗址的希腊化占领层出土的动物骨骼和软体动物,我们全面概述了该遗址的肉类食物来源,并展示了一种与黎凡特地区饮食习惯截然不同的独特文化习俗.
