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The Inference Framework
arXiv - STAT - Other Statistics Pub Date : 2022-07-10 , DOI: arxiv-2207.08785
Nicholas Carrara

The following three sections and appendices are taken from my thesis "The Foundations of Inference and its Application to Fundamental Physics" from 2021, in which I construct a theory of entropic inference from first principles. The majority of these chapters are not original, but are a collection of various sources through the history of the subject. The first section deals with deductive reasoning, which is inference in the presence of complete information. The second section expands on the deductive system by constructing a theory of inductive inference, a theory of probabilities, which is inference in the presence of incomplete information. Finally, section three develops a means of updating these probabilities in the presence of new information that comes in the form of constraints.



以下三个部分和附录摘自我 2021 年的论文“推理的基础及其在基础物理学中的应用”,在该论文中,我从第一原理构建了熵推理理论。这些章节中的大部分都不是原创的,而是通过该主题的历史收集的各种资料。第一部分涉及演绎推理,即在存在完整信息的情况下进行推理。第二部分通过构建归纳推理理论来扩展演绎系统,这是一种概率理论,即在存在不完整信息的情况下进行推理。最后,第三部分开发了一种在存在以约束形式出现的新信息时更新这些概率的方法。