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Anomalous Dimensions of Monopole Operators at the Transitions between Dirac and Topological Spin Liquids
Physical Review X ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-19 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevx.12.031012
Éric Dupuis , Rufus Boyack , William Witczak-Krempa

Monopole operators are studied in a large family of quantum critical points between Dirac spin liquids and topological quantum spin liquids (QSLs): chiral and Z2 QSLs. These quantum phase transitions are described by conformal field theories (CFTs): quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions with 2N flavors of two-component massless Dirac fermions and a four-fermion interaction term. For the transition to a chiral spin liquid, it is the Gross-Neveu interaction (QED3GN), while for the transitions to Z2 QSLs, it is a superconducting pairing term with general spin and valley structure (generalized QED3Z2GN). Using the state-operator correspondence, we obtain monopole scaling dimensions to subleading order in 1/N. For monopoles with a minimal topological charge q=1/2, the scaling dimension is 2N×0.26510 at leading order, with the quantum correction being 0.118911(7) for the chiral spin liquid, and 0.102846(9) for the simplest Z2 case (the expression is also given for a general pairing term). Although these two anomalous dimensions are nearly equal, the underlying quantum fluctuations possess distinct origins. The analogous result in QED3 is also obtained, and we find a subleading contribution of 0.038138(5), which is slightly different from the value 0.0383 first obtained in the literature. The scaling dimension of a QED3GN monopole with minimal charge is very close to the scaling dimensions of other operators predicted to be equal by a conjectured duality between QED3GN with 2N=2 flavors and the CP1 model. Additionally, nonminimally charged monopoles with equal charges on both sides of the duality have similar scaling dimensions. By studying the large-q asymptotics of the scaling dimensions in QED3, QED3GN, and QED3Z2GN, we verify that the constant O(q0) coefficient precisely matches the universal nonperturbative prediction for CFTs with a global U(1) symmetry. Finally, we identify numerous open questions regarding the fate of monopoles and their hierarchies at transitions to spin liquids and ordered phases.



在狄拉克自旋液体和拓扑量子自旋液体 (QSL) 之间的一大类量子临界点中研究了单极子算子:手性和Z2QSL。这些量子相变由共形场论 (CFT) 描述:量子电动力学2+1尺寸与2ñ双分量无质量狄拉克费米子和四费米子相互作用项的味道。对于向手性自旋液体的转变,它是 Gross-Neveu 相互作用 (量子点3-GN),而对于过渡到Z2QSLs,它是一个具有一般自旋和谷结构的超导配对项(广义量子点3-Z2GN)。使用状态算子对应关系,我们获得了单极子缩放维度到次领先的顺序1/ñ. 对于具有最小拓扑电荷的单极子q=1/2,缩放维度为2ñ×0.26510处于领先地位,手性自旋液体的量子校正为 0.118911(7),最简单的量子校正为 0.102846(9)Z2case (该表达式也用于一般配对项)。尽管这两个异常维度几乎相等,但潜在的量子涨落具有不同的起源。类似的结果量子点3也获得了,我们发现了一个次要贡献-0.038138(5),与值略有不同-0.0383最早在文献中获得。a的缩放维度量子点3-GN具有最小电荷的单极子非常接近其他算子的缩放维度,这些算子通过推测的对偶性预测为相等量子点3-GN2ñ=2味道和C1模型。此外,对偶两侧具有相等电荷的非最小带电单极子具有相似的缩放尺寸。通过研究大q缩放维度的渐近线量子点3,量子点3-GN, 和量子点3-Z2GN,我们验证常数(q0)系数与具有全局 U(1) 对称性的 CFT 的通用非微扰预测精确匹配。最后,我们确定了许多关于单极子的命运及其在自旋液体和有序相转变中的层次结构的开放性问题。