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Early Deportations of Jews in Occupied Poland (October 1939–June 1940): The German and the Soviet Cases
Holocaust and Genocide Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-18 , DOI: 10.1093/hgs/dcac026
Alexandra Pulvermacher 1

After the division of Poland in September 1939 following the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, deportations of Polish citizens were part of the Nazis’ plan to “Germanize” western and northern Poland, though the Jewish dimension of these events has hardly been investigated. Beyond the organized deportations by the German Security Police, there were local initiatives to expel Jews to the Soviet Zone of partitioned Poland. In the Soviet-occupied Polish territories, many Jews were deported in 1940 to remote areas of the USSR either as “unreliable” or “class alien elements,” or because of their refusal to accept Soviet citizenship. While the brutal Soviet policies unintendedly saved the majority of deported Jews from German extermination, the German deportations were the precursors to total mass murder. This article describes and compares the deportations on both sides, reconstructs the German transports, and concludes that the USSR’s deportations were part of its ongoing war against political opponents and “alien elements,” whereas the Germans’ were stepping stones on Karl A. Schleunes’s “twisted road to Auschwitz.”


被占领波兰的犹太人早期驱逐(1939 年 10 月至 1940 年 6 月):德国和苏联的案例

1939 年 9 月根据苏德互不侵犯条约分裂波兰后,驱逐波兰公民是纳粹“德国化”波兰西部和北部计划的一部分,尽管这些事件的犹太人方面几乎没有被调查过。除了德国安全警察有组织的驱逐外,当地还采取了将犹太人驱逐到被瓜分的波兰苏维埃区的举措。在苏联占领的波兰领土上,许多犹太人在 1940 年被驱逐到苏联的偏远地区,要么是作为“不可靠的”或“阶级外来分子”,要么是因为他们拒绝接受苏联公民身份。虽然残酷的苏联政策无意中拯救了大多数被驱逐的犹太人免遭德国人的灭绝,但德国的驱逐行动是全面大屠杀的前兆。