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Correcting bias in extreme groups design using a missing data approach.
Psychological Methods ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-18 , DOI: 10.1037/met0000508
Lihan Chen 1 , Rachel T Fouladi 2

Extreme groups design (EGD) refers to the use of a screening variable to inform further data collection, such that only participants with the lowest and highest scores are recruited in subsequent stages of the study. It is an effective way to improve the power of a study under a limited budget, but produces biased standardized estimates. We demonstrate that the bias in EGD results from its inherent missing at random mechanism, which can be corrected using modern missing data techniques such as full information maximum likelihood (FIML). Further, we provide a tutorial on computing correlations in EGD data with FIML using R.



极端群体设计(EGD)是指使用筛选变量来通知进一步的数据收集,以便在研究的后续阶段只招募得分最低和最高的参与者。这是在有限预算下提高研究能力的有效方法,但会产生有偏差的标准化估计。我们证明 EGD 的偏差是由其固有的随机缺失机制造成的,可以使用现代缺失数据技术(例如全信息最大似然(FIML))来纠正该偏差。此外,我们还提供了使用 R 与 FIML 计算 EGD 数据相关性的教程。