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A within-person approach to the relation between quality of task motivation, performance and job satisfaction in everyday working life
Motivation and Emotion ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11031-022-09962-1
Koen Hogenelst , Roos Schelvis , Tanja Krone , Marylene Gagné , Matti Heino , Keegan Knittle , Nelli Hankonen

Research generally shows that autonomous forms of motivation are associated with higher performance and job satisfaction, whereas controlled forms of motivation are linked to worse outcomes. These relationships are largely based on between-persons data from cross-sectional studies or longitudinal studies with few measurement points. However, motivation quality, performance, and job satisfaction can vary considerably from day to day and from task to task. It is unclear whether and how these experiences and behaviors covary over time within individuals at work in daily life. The present study assessed this using a diary approach. With a default protocol of 30 working days, an ecological momentary assessment application prompted 19 white-collar workers five times a day to report their autonomous and controlled motivation for work tasks and their productivity and job satisfaction at the end of each day. Fourteen participants gathered sufficient data to compute within-person relations and individual networks. At the between-person level, results were somewhat in line with prior survey-based research, whereas results at the within-person level present more nuanced findings and demonstrate that these will not inherently align with previous between-person findings. Individual network analyses indicated considerable interindividual heterogeneity, especially in the relationships between motivation and job satisfaction. In conclusion, these findings point to significant variability in the observed relations between task-related motivation, performance and job satisfaction in everyday life, and highlight the added value of a within person approach and individual networks in addition to between-persons approaches. The implications of these findings for occupational wellbeing research are discussed.



研究通常表明,自主形式的动机与更高的绩效和工作满意度有关,而受控的动机形式与更糟糕的结果有关。这些关系主要基于来自横断面研究或纵向研究的人与人之间的数据,测量点很少。然而,动机质量、绩效和工作满意度可能因每天和不同任务而有很大差异。目前尚不清楚这些经历和行为是否以及如何在日常生活中的工作中随着时间的推移而发生变化。本研究使用日记法对此进行了评估。默认协议为 30 个工作日,一个生态瞬时评估应用程序促使 19 名白领每天五次报告他们对工作任务的自主和可控动机以及他们在每天结束时的生产力和工作满意度。十四名参与者收集了足够的数据来计算个人关系和个人网络。在人际层面,结果与之前基于调查的研究有些一致,而在人际层面的结果呈现出更细微的发现,并表明这些结果与之前的人际研究结果并不内在一致。个体网络分析表明个体间存在相当大的异质性,特别是在动机和工作满意度之间的关系方面。综上所述,这些研究结果表明,在日常生活中观察到的与任务相关的动机、绩效和工作满意度之间的关系存在显着差异,并强调了除人与人之间的方法之外,内部方法和个人网络的附加价值。讨论了这些发现对职业健康研究的影响。
