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Effects of enthusiastic and non-enthusiastic voice in praise on the behavior of children with autism and typically developing children
Behavioral Interventions ( IF 1.269 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-13 , DOI: 10.1002/bin.1901
Catherine M. Gale 1, 2 , Svein Eikeseth 1 , Fillip Ferreira Eikeseth 3

Behavioral intervention manuals for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) commonly recommend that praise should be delivered in an enthusiastic tone of voice. Only a few studies, however, have explicitly tested this assumption, and results have been mixed. This study therefore compared the effects of enthusiastic and non-enthusiastic tone of voice in praise on the behavior of children with ASD. We also examined how typically developing (TD) children responded to enthusiastic and non-enthusiastic praise. Participants were 21 children with ASD matched on developmental age with the chronological age of 20 TD children. The effects of enthusiastic and non-enthusiastic praise were assessed using an application on a tablet computer designed to isolate tone of voice as a variable in vocally delivered praise. Two buttons produced the same six praise statements, one with an enthusiastic tone of voice and one with a neutral tone of voice. Results showed that the children with ASD, on average, allocated more responding to the square on the tablet computer producing enthusiastic praise as compared to the square producing non-enthusiastic praise. In addition, higher rates of responding to non-enthusiastic praise correlated positively with higher IQ, suggesting that non-enthusiastic praise was more effective for children with ASD with higher cognitive scores. The TD children, in contrast, did not allocate more responding to either the squares, suggesting that tone of voice in praise was not an important variable for the behavior of TD children.



针对自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 儿童的行为干预手册通常建议,应该以热情的语气进行表扬。然而,只有少数研究明确检验了这一假设,结果喜忧参半。因此,本研究比较了热情和非热情的语调赞美对自闭症儿童行为的影响。我们还研究了典型发育 (TD) 儿童对热情和非热情赞美的反应。参与者是 21 名患有 ASD 的儿童,其发育年龄与 20 名 TD 儿童的实际年龄相匹配。使用平板电脑上的应用程序评估热情和非热情赞美的效果,该应用程序旨在将语调作为口头表达的赞美中的一个变量。两个按钮产生了相同的六种赞美语句,一种是热情的语气,另一种是中性的语气。结果表明,与产生非热情赞美的方块相比,患有 ASD 的儿童平均对平板电脑上产生热情赞美的方块分配了更多的响应。此外,对非热情赞美的更高反应率与更高的智商呈正相关,这表明非热情赞美对认知得分较高的 ASD 儿童更有效。相比之下,TD 儿童并没有分配更多的反应给任何一个方块,这表明赞美的语气不是 TD 儿童行为的重要变量。结果表明,与产生非热情赞美的方块相比,患有 ASD 的儿童平均对平板电脑上产生热情赞美的方块分配了更多的响应。此外,对非热情赞美的更高反应率与更高的智商呈正相关,这表明非热情赞美对认知得分较高的 ASD 儿童更有效。相比之下,TD 儿童并没有分配更多的反应给任何一个方块,这表明赞美的语气不是 TD 儿童行为的重要变量。结果表明,与产生非热情赞美的方块相比,患有 ASD 的儿童平均对平板电脑上产生热情赞美的方块分配了更多的响应。此外,对非热情赞美的更高反应率与更高的智商呈正相关,这表明非热情赞美对认知得分较高的 ASD 儿童更有效。相比之下,TD 儿童并没有分配更多的反应给任何一个方块,这表明赞美的语气不是 TD 儿童行为的重要变量。对非热情赞美的更高反应率与更高的智商呈正相关,这表明非热情赞美对认知得分较高的 ASD 儿童更有效。相比之下,TD 儿童并没有分配更多的反应给任何一个方块,这表明赞美的语气不是 TD 儿童行为的重要变量。对非热情赞美的更高反应率与更高的智商呈正相关,这表明非热情赞美对认知得分较高的 ASD 儿童更有效。相比之下,TD 儿童并没有分配更多的反应给任何一个方块,这表明赞美的语气不是 TD 儿童行为的重要变量。