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Adolescents' Retributive and Restorative Orientations in Response to Intergroup Harms in Schools
Journal of Research on Adolescence ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-17 , DOI: 10.1111/jora.12785
Laura Pareja Conto 1 , Angelica Restrepo 1 , Holly Recchia 1 , Gabriel Velez 2 , Cecilia Wainryb 3

This mixed-methods study examined how adolescents understand and evaluate different ways to address intergroup harms in schools. In individual interviews, 77 adolescents (M age = 16.49 years; 39 girls, 38 boys) in Bogotá, Colombia, responded to hypothetical vignettes wherein a rival group at school engaged in a transgression against their group. Adolescents reported that students who were harmed should and would talk to school authorities, but also noted they would likely retaliate. In terms of teacher-sanctioned responses to harm, youth endorsed compensation most strongly, followed by apologies, and rated suspension least positively. Youths' explanations for their endorsement of different disciplinary practices reflected varied concerns, including their perceptions of how justice is best achieved and how restoration could be attained.



这项混合方法研究调查了青少年如何理解和评估在学校解决群体间伤害的不同方法。在个别访谈中,77 名青少年 ( M年龄 = 16.49 岁;哥伦比亚波哥大的 39 名女孩,38 名男孩)对假设的小插曲做出了回应,在这些小插曲中,学校的一个敌对团体对他们的团体进行了侵犯。青少年报告说,受到伤害的学生应该而且会与学校当局交谈,但也指出他们可能会进行报复。就教师认可的伤害反应而言,青年人最强烈地赞同赔偿,其次是道歉,对停课的评价最不积极。青年人对他们支持不同纪律做法的解释反映了不同的关注点,包括他们对如何最好地实现正义以及如何实现恢复的看法。