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Maternal and Paternal Exercise Induce Distinct Metabolite Signatures in Offspring Tissues
Diabetes ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-15 , DOI: 10.2337/db22-0341
Diego Hernández-Saavedra 1, 2 , Christina Markunas 3 , Hirokazu Takahashi 4 , Lisa A Baer 1 , Johan E Harris 1 , Michael F Hirshman 4 , Olga Ilkayeva 3 , Christopher B Newgard 3 , Kristin I Stanford 1 , Laurie J Goodyear 4

Maternal and paternal exercise are well-established to improve the metabolic health of adult offspring. Tissue and serum metabolites play a fundamental role in the health of an organism, but how parental exercise affects offspring tissue and serum metabolites has not yet been investigated. Here, male and female breeders were fed a high-fat diet and housed with or without running wheels before breeding (males) and before and during gestation (females). Offspring were sedentary and chow-fed and had both parents sedentary (Sed); maternal exercise (MatEx); paternal exercise (PatEx); or maternal+paternal exercise (Mat+PatEx). Adult offspring from all parental exercise groups had similar improvement in glucose tolerance and hepatic glucose production. Targeted metabolomics was performed in offspring serum, liver, and triceps muscle. Offspring from MatEx, PatEx, and Mat+PatEx each had a unique tissue metabolite signature, but Mat+PatEx offspring had an additive phenotype relative to MatEx or PatEx alone in a subset of liver and muscle metabolites. Tissue metabolites consistently indicated that the metabolites altered parental exercise were consistent with enhanced fatty acid oxidation. These data identify distinct tissue-specific adaptations and mechanisms for parental exercise-induced improvement in offspring metabolic health. Further mining of this dataset could aid the development of novel therapeutic targets to combat metabolic diseases.



母亲和父亲的运动已被证实可以改善成年后代的代谢健康。组织和血清代谢物在有机体的健康中发挥着重要作用,但亲本运动如何影响后代组织和血清代谢物尚未得到研究。在这里,雄性和雌性饲养员在配种前(雄性)和妊娠前和怀孕期间(雌性)都被喂食高脂肪饮食,并在有或没有跑轮的情况下饲养。后代是久坐的、吃食物的,并且父母双方都是久坐的(Sed);母亲锻炼(MatEx);父亲行使权 (PatEx);或母亲+父亲锻炼(Mat+PatEx)。所有亲本运动组的成年后代在葡萄糖耐量和肝葡萄糖生成方面都有相似的改善。在后代血清、肝脏和三头肌中进行了靶向代谢组学研究。 MatEx、PatEx 和 Mat+PatEx 的后代均具有独特的组织代谢特征,但 Mat+PatEx 后代在肝脏和肌肉代谢物的子集中相对于单独的 MatEx 或 PatEx 具有附加表型。组织代谢物一致表明,代谢物改变亲代运动与增强脂肪酸氧化一致。这些数据确定了父母运动引起的后代代谢健康改善的独特组织特异性适应和机制。进一步挖掘该数据集可以帮助开发新的治疗靶点来对抗代谢疾病。