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Deliberating alone: deliberative bias and giving up on political talk
Human Communication Research ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-11 , DOI: 10.1093/hcr/hqac016
Bryan McLaughlin 1 , Kenton T Wilkinson 2 , Hector Rendon 3 , T J Martinez 2

In our research examining how people think and talk about immigration, we consistently find that people want to have a reasonable conversation about politics, but they often decide that productive conversations are not possible because other people are uninformed, irrational, close-minded, and uncivil. We argue that self-serving biases and phenomenological experiences lead to the biased perception that the self is far more capable of adhering to the ideals of rational deliberation than others, a process that we refer to as deliberative bias. In Study 1, we use data from in-depth interviews to develop the concept of deliberative bias. In Study 2, we use a survey to demonstrate that perceptions that other people are uninformed, irrational, close-minded, and uncivil are related to a decreased likelihood of talking politics with loose ties or those with opposing perspectives. These results suggest that deliberative bias may be a significant impediment to productive political conversations.



在我们研究人们如何看待和谈论移民问题的研究中,我们始终发现人们希望就政治进行合理的对话,但他们经常认为无法进行富有成效的对话,因为其他人是无知的、非理性的、思想封闭的和不文明的. 我们认为,自私的偏见和现象学经验导致了一种偏见的看法,即自我比其他人更有能力坚持理性审议的理想,我们将这一过程称为审议偏见。在研究 1 中,我们使用来自深度访谈的数据来发展审议偏见的概念。在研究 2 中,我们使用一项调查来证明其他人不知情、不理性、思想封闭、和不文明与关系松散或观点相反的人谈论政治的可能性降低有关。这些结果表明,审议偏见可能是富有成效的政治对话的重大障碍。