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Hate speech revisited in Romanian political discourse: from the Legion of the Archangel Michael (1927–1941) to AUR (2020–present day)
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications Pub Date : 2022-07-11 , DOI: 10.1057/s41599-022-01228-y
Oana Celia Gheorghiu , Alexandru Praisler

Ultra-conservative, ultra-Orthodox, nationalist and xenophobic, advocating “family, nation, Christian faith and liberty”, the party Alianța pentru Uniunea Românilor (henceforth AUR—which translates as “GOLD” in Romanian) [Alliance for the Unity of Romanians] campaigned in an insidious manner, both in social media and in the poorer rural areas of Romania, gathering a momentum that few could foresee in the 2020 elections. It is in the hands of discourse experts to deconstruct such hate speeches and warn both policymakers and the general population against allowing them to proliferate in the public sphere. Accordingly, drawing on the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA), this paper aims to analyse samples of a speech of one of the leaders/ideologists of AUR, comparing them with the inflammatory discourse that paved the way to the Legionaries’ coming to power in 1940.


在罗马尼亚政治话语中重新审视仇恨言论:从大天使迈克尔军团(1927-1941)到 AUR(2020 年至今)

极端保守、极端正统、民族主义和仇外心理,倡导“家庭、民族、基督教信仰和自由”,Alianța pentru Uniunea Românilor 党(以下简称 AUR——在罗马尼亚语中翻译为“金”)[Alliance for the Unity of Romanians ] 在社交媒体和罗马尼亚较贫穷的农村地区以阴险的方式进行竞选活动,在 2020 年的选举中积聚了很少有人能预见的势头。话语专家有责任解构此类仇恨言论,并警告政策制定者和普通民众不要让它们在公共领域扩散。因此,利用话语历史方法(DHA),本文旨在分析 AUR 的一位领导人/思想家的演讲样本,
