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Erratum: A mediation meta-analysis of the role of maternal responsivity in the association between socioeconomic risk and children's language
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-08 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13800

Borairi, S., Fearon, P., Madigan, S., Plamondon, A., & Jenkins, J. (2021). A mediation meta-analysis of the role of maternal responsivity in the association between socioeconomic risk and children's language. Child Development, 92, 2177–2193. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13695

Please note corrections to the above-referenced article in Figure 3 and Table 3. In Figure 3, the 95% CI for the indirect effect lists [.031, −.075] instead of “−.031.” In Table 3, there was a formatting error where effect sizes for some moderators were duplicated in place of the correct ones for others. The 95% CI for the Indirect effect difference for Responsivity Type should be [0.255, 0.048] instead of [0.073, −0.033]. The Indirect effect 95% CI for Laboratory Observation Location should be [−.047] instead of [−.039]. The Indirect effect difference for Observation location should be 0.048 [0.084, 0.013] instead of 0.151 [0.255, 0.048]. The 95% CI for Indirect effect for Longitudinal Study Design should be [−.077] instead of [.077]. The Indirect effect difference for child age responsivity assessment should be −.084 [−.027,−.151] instead of −0.079 [−0.032, −0.132].The updated figure and table are as follows.

Details are in the caption following the image
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One-stage meta-SEM model of the total, direct, and indirect effects (95% CI's in square brackets)

TABLE 3 Estimates of the indirect effect for each level of moderator and tests of difference in the indirect effect between levels of moderators (with 95% confidence intervals)

Results k Indirect effect [95% CI] Indirect effect difference [95% CI]
Categorical moderators
Responsivity typeaa Analyses were confirmatory for categorical moderators.
Warmth 6 −0.018 [−0.002, −0.039] 0.151 [0.255, 0.048]
Sensitivity 13 −0.169 [−0.078, −0.264]
Observation locationaa Analyses were confirmatory for categorical moderators.
Laboratory 9 −0.023 [−0.002, −0.047] 0.048 [0.084, 0.013]
Family home 9 −0.071 [−0.045, −0.101]
Study designaa Analyses were confirmatory for categorical moderators.
Longitudinal 14 −0.052 [−0.027, −0.077] −0.006 [0.053, −0.048]
Cross-sectional 5 −0.046 [−0.012, −0.100]
k Indirect effect [95% CI] z score Indirect effect difference [95% CI]
+1 −1
Continuous moderators
Child age at risk assessment 19 −0.102 [−0.063, −0.149] −0.023 [−0.005, −0.044] −0.079 [−0.032, −0.132]
Child age at responsivity assessment 19 −0.108 [−0.061, −0.167] −0.024 [−0.002, −0.047] −0.084 [−0.027, −0.151]
Child age at language assessment 19 −0.066 [−0.032, −0.106] −0.038 [−0.010, −0.070] −0.028 [0.020, −0.079]
Percentage of boys in sample 19 −0.045 [−0.015, −0.077] −0.062 [−0.026, −0.105] 0.018 [0.073, −0.033]
  • a Analyses were confirmatory for categorical moderators.



Borairi, S.、Fearon, P.、Madigan, S.、Plamondon, A. 和 Jenkins, J. (2021)。母亲反应在社会经济风险和儿童语言之间的关系中的作用的中介荟萃分析。儿童发展,第 92 页,第 2177–2193 页。https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13695

请注意对图 3 和表 3 中上述文章的更正。在图 3 中,间接效应的 95% CI 列出了 [.031, -.075] 而不是“-.031”。在表 3 中,存在格式错误,其中一些版主的效果大小被复制,而不是其他版主的正确大小。响应度类型的间接效应差异的 95% CI 应为 [0.255, 0.048] 而不是 [0.073, -0.033]。实验室观察位置的间接效应 95% CI 应为 [−.047] 而不是 [−.039]。观测位置的间接效应差异应为 0.048 [0.084, 0.013] 而不是 0.151 [0.255, 0.048]。纵向研究设计的间接效应的 95% CI 应为 [−.077] 而不是 [.077]。儿童年龄响应度评估的间接效应差异应为 -.084 [-.027,-.151] 而不是 -0。

图 3

总效应、直接效应和间接效应的一阶段元 SEM 模型(方括号中的 95% CI)

表 3对每个调节因子水平的间接效应的估计和对调节因子水平之间间接效应差异的检验(95% 置信区间)

结果 ķ 间接影响 [95% CI] 间接效应差异 [95% CI]
响应类型aa 对分类调节器的分析是证实性的。
温暖 6 -0.018 [-0.002, -0.039] 0.151 [0.255, 0.048]
灵敏度 13 -0.169 [-0.078, -0.264]
观察位置aa 对分类调节器的分析是证实性的。
实验室 9 -0.023 [-0.002, -0.047] 0.048 [0.084, 0.013]
9 -0.071 [-0.045, -0.101]
研究设计a 对分类调节器的分析是证实性的。
14 -0.052 [-0.027, -0.077] -0.006 [0.053, -0.048]
横截面 5 -0.046 [-0.012, -0.100]
ķ 间接效应 [95% CI] z评分 间接效应差异 [95% CI]
+1 -1
儿童风险评估年龄 19 -0.102 [-0.063, -0.149] -0.023 [-0.005, -0.044] -0.079 [-0.032, -0.132]
响应性评估时的儿童年龄 19 -0.108 [-0.061, -0.167] -0.024 [-0.002, -0.047] -0.084 [-0.027, -0.151]
语言评估的儿童年龄 19 -0.066 [-0.032, -0.106] -0.038 [-0.010, -0.070] -0.028 [0.020, -0.079]
样本中男孩的百分比 19 -0.045 [-0.015, -0.077] -0.062 [-0.026, -0.105] 0.018 [0.073, -0.033]
  • a 对分类调节器的分析是证实性的。
