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Factors Associated with Nontraumatic Spontaneous Subdural Hematomas in Pediatric Patients
Neuropediatrics ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-28 , DOI: 10.1055/a-1893-2559
Serdar Onur Aydın 1 , Mustafa Umut Etli 1 , Reha Can Köylü 1 , Eyüp Varol 1 , Cumhur Kaan Yaltırık 1 , Ali Fatih Ramazanoğlu 1

Objective In our study, we aimed to summarize the etiology of subdural hematoma that was not traumatic and required operation in pediatric patients. The subdural hematoma characteristics, possible etiologies, and treatment, as well as the patient outcomes, were analyzed.

Methods A retrospective examination was made of pediatric patients with subdural hematoma who were operated on at Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital. Patients with a history of trauma were excluded. Data on patient sex, age, bleeding location, type of hematoma based on computed tomography imaging, surgical treatment, presenting symptoms, presence of comorbidities, Glasgow Coma Scale, thrombocyte counts, and international normalized ratio values were recorded.

Results Of the 19 patients included in the study, 4 were female and 15 were male. Their ages ranged between 0 and 15 (mean = 5.84) years. In 57.8% of the patients, comorbidities, including acute myeloid leukemia, a history of shunt operation, epilepsy, mucopolysaccharidosis, known subdural effusion, autism, coagulopathy, ventricular septal defect/tetralogy of Fallot, cerebrospinal fluid leakage after baclofen pump administration, Marfan's syndrome, and late neonatal sepsis were present, while 21% had arachnoid cysts and 21% had no reported comorbidities.

Conclusion This study suggests that, in pediatric patients with subdural hematoma with an amount of bleeding requiring surgical management, any underlying comorbidities should be investigated regardless of the presence of a history of trauma. While investigating systemic diseases, special attention should be paid to the presence of arachnoid cysts or disruption in cerebrospinal fluid dynamics along with a history of hematologic diseases.



目的 本研究旨在总结非外伤性且需手术治疗的儿童硬膜下血肿的病因。分析了硬膜下血肿的特征、可能的病因、治疗以及患者的结果。

方法 对乌姆拉尼耶培训研究医院收治的硬膜下血肿患儿进行回顾性检查。有外伤史的患者被排除在外。记录患者性别、年龄、出血部位、基于计算机断层扫描成像的血肿类型、手术治疗、出现的症状、合并症、格拉斯哥昏迷量表、血小板计数和国际标准化比率值的数据。

结果 纳入研究的 19 例患者中,女性 4 例,男性 15 例。他们的年龄在 0 到 15 岁之间(平均值 = 5.84)。57.8%的患者存在合并症,包括急性髓系白血病、分流手术史、癫痫、粘多糖增多症、已知硬膜下积液、自闭症、凝血功能障碍、室间隔缺损/法洛四联症、巴氯芬泵给药后脑脊液漏、马凡氏综合征,并且存在晚期新生儿败血症,而 21% 患有蛛网膜囊肿,21% 没有报告合并症。

结论 本研究表明,对于需要手术治疗的硬膜下血肿儿科患者,无论是否有外伤史,都应检查是否存在潜在的合并症。在调查全身性疾病时,应特别注意是否存在蛛网膜囊肿或脑脊液动力学破坏以及血液系统疾病史。
