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Sensemaking in a Networked World: COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Turkey
Communication Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-07 , DOI: 10.1080/10510974.2022.2097285
Gamze Yilmaz 1 , Mehmet Bilen 2


This study aims to understand the collective sensemaking efforts and emotional reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine in Turkey between January 13, and January 22, 2021, as this time frame captured the initial days of vaccine rollouts and was characterized by high information ambiguity regarding COVID-19 vaccinations in Turkey. 45,759 tweets (written in Turkish) related to COVID-19 vaccine were analyzed. To analyze the tweet corpus, we used Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling with a total of 30 topics based on the coherence scores, which were grouped into 6 distinct themes. The findings showed that Twitter users in Turkey made sense of the initial uncertainty regarding vaccinations by 1) discussing their vaccine hesitancy and rejection, 2) critiquing vaccine availability and priority groups, 3) critiquing the politicians getting vaccinated under the disguise of “incentivizing” the society 4) mocking photo sharing during vaccinations, 5) sharing unverified information about vaccination status and side effects 6) telling jokes about the vaccinations and vaccine side effects. Additionally, the sentiment analysis showed that the dominant emotions around the COVID-19 vaccine were negative. Theoretical implications are advanced for collective sensemaking framework, and practical implications are outlined to improve global communication efforts to eradicate vaccine hesitancy.


网络世界中的意义建构:土耳其的 COVID-19 疫苗犹豫不决


本研究旨在了解 2021 年 1 月 13 日至 1 月 22 日期间土耳其对 COVID-19 疫苗的集体意义构建和情绪反应,因为这个时间框架捕捉到了疫苗推出的最初几天,其特点是关于 COVID 的信息高度模糊-19 在土耳其接种疫苗。分析了与 COVID-19 疫苗相关的 45,759 条推文(用土耳其语编写)。为了分析推文语料库,我们使用了潜在狄利克雷分配 (LDA) 主题建模,基于连贯性分数共有 30 个主题,这些主题分为 6 个不同的主题。调查结果表明,土耳其的 Twitter 用户通过 1)讨论他们对疫苗的犹豫和拒绝,2)批评疫苗的可用性和优先群体,从而理解了疫苗最初的不确定性,3)批评政客打着“激励”社会的幌子接种疫苗 4)在疫苗接种期间嘲笑照片分享,5)分享关于疫苗接种状态和副作用的未经证实的信息 6)讲关于疫苗接种和疫苗副作用的笑话。此外,情绪分析表明,围绕 COVID-19 疫苗的主要情绪是负面的。对集体意义构建框架提出了理论意义,并概述了改进全球沟通努力以消除疫苗犹豫的实际意义。情绪分析表明,围绕 COVID-19 疫苗的主要情绪是负面的。对集体意义构建框架提出了理论意义,并概述了改进全球沟通努力以消除疫苗犹豫的实际意义。情绪分析表明,围绕 COVID-19 疫苗的主要情绪是负面的。对集体意义构建框架提出了理论意义,并概述了改进全球沟通努力以消除疫苗犹豫的实际意义。
