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Visceral Encounters: Unevenness in Moments of Foundational Apprehension
Architectural Design ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-06 , DOI: 10.1002/ad.2834
Jason Young

Dean of the College of Architecture and Design at the University of Tennessee, Jason Young looks at the work of one of the most prolific astronauts of drawn space, Michigan architectural academic Perry Kulper. Whether by hand or with the aid of computers, Kulper's drawings represent an odyssey of exploration, graphic verve and unafraid experimentation – bold, joyful and invested in a playful iconoclasm that is immediately endearing.



田纳西大学建筑与设计学院院长杰森·杨 ( Jason Young ) 观看了绘制空间最多产的宇航员之一、密歇根州建筑学者佩里·库尔珀 (Perry Kulper) 的作品。无论是手工绘制还是借助计算机,Kulper 的绘画都代表了一场探索之旅、图形神韵和无所畏惧的实验——大胆、快乐并投入到一种有趣的偶像破坏中,立即引起人们的喜爱。