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On-orbit results for radial distances between collocated GEO satellites for RF analysis
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-05 , DOI: 10.1002/sat.1453
Umit Cezmi Yilmaz 1

Because the GEO belt is becoming more and more crowded every day, controlling the number of satellites in the same control box is becoming more common. There are different kinds of collocation strategies to control more than two satellites in the same box, such as (1) eccentricity and inclination separation or (2) longitude separation. TURKSAT has been using option (1) for a long time. In this paper, we demonstrated TURKSAT on-orbit experience to show mainly radial distances between the satellites. The motivation of this study is to demonstrate how often the satellites are becoming behind of each other, which can be used for RF colocation analysis. Most of the cases the worst case for RF interference analysis between two collocated satellites is having zero distance in normal and tangential but having a radial distance only. In this study, based on the radial distance thresholds, the noninterfered link availability is also shown.


用于射频分析的并置 GEO 卫星之间径向距离的在轨结果

由于 GEO 带每天都变得越来越拥挤,控制同一个控制箱中的卫星数量变得越来越普遍。在同一个盒子里控制多于两颗卫星有不同的搭配策略,例如(1)偏心和倾角分离或(2)经度分离。TURKSAT 长期以来一直在使用选项 (1)。在本文中,我们展示了 TURKSAT 在轨经验,主要显示卫星之间的径向距离。这项研究的动机是展示卫星彼此落后的频率,这可用于射频托管分析。大多数情况下,两颗并置卫星之间的射频干扰分析的最坏情况是法向和切向距离为零,但只有径向距离。在这项研究中,